Goodbye Father

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The woman looked up, sizing them up. "Dae-Hyun? May I ask why you need him?" 

Na-Rae hesitated but decided to keep it simple. "I'm his daughter. It's important to meet him; I came all the way from Seoul, and I'm not going back without seeing him." 

The woman paused but nodded and said, "Alright, I'll give him a call. But no guarantees as you know, he's a workaholic and doesn't like to put his work on hold. You can wait over there in the seats." 

Grateful for her help, Na-Rae expressed her gratitude with a little bow and sat next to Jungkook. They observed the woman behind the desk making a phone call.

"Yes, she says she's your daughter," Na-Rae overheard. "Dae-hyun, I'm saying only what the child said to me." The conversation went on "Yes, uhu, Yes, OK, I'll tell her. Ok, I don't think she would run away." she laughed and said goodbye.

 "Hey kid, you're lucky. Your father has time, he's taking his lunch break and will be here in a few minutes. Let him treat you like he should. He never spends any of his money on us, and now we know why. He spends it all on his beautiful daughter," she winked, making Na-Rae smile, though not out of amusement, she really didn't know anything.

Na-Rae anxiously waited in the waiting area, glancing at the clock on the wall every few seconds. The minutes felt like an eternity as she wondered what was taking so long. Suddenly, the doorbell chimed again, making her look up. A man in his mid-forties entered the room, and she couldn't help but notice that he didn't even glance in her direction. He greeted the lady behind the desk with a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek, which caught Na-Rae off guard. She couldn't believe that they were close enough to exchange pleasantries like that, yet he had never mentioned having a daughter to her.

As Na-Rae's mind raced with questions, the lady behind the desk pointed at Jungkook and her. Looking up, she finally met the eyes that were familiar to hers, even his skin was familiar, and she realized that she stood in front of her father. It was as if the puzzle pieces had fallen into place, and she finally understood why So-Yeon and her had such striking features. They were both a mix of their parents' beauty.

Na-Rae couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions as she looked at the man who had hidden himself for so long. She couldn't deny that he looked good, and she was amazed. Yet she couldn't help but wonder why he had never searched for her in the first place. 

However, confusion flickered across Dae-Hyun's face as he met Na-Rae's eyes. He wasn't immediately certain who was standing before him. Though she bore a striking resemblance to So-Yeon, it wasn't her. His thoughts swirled as he tried to place the girl. Then, it all came together – his second daughter. He had almost forgotten her name by now, he knew about his daughter's existence but never thought more about it. His life had taken a different path, one that didn't involve meeting his daughters. So-Yeon had made it abundantly clear, 1.5 years ago, that neither she nor her sister would seek him out again. He was supposed to stay out of their lives, yet here was one of his daughters, searching for him once more.

He sighed, meeting the gaze of the girl with teary eyes. Before he could fully grasp the situation, he felt two hands around his waist. Bewildered, he wondered why she was hugging him. What was going on? Why was his youngest daughter here, and who was the boy standing beside her? The questions echoed in his mind as he grappled with the unexpected reunion.

Na-Rae slowly released her father from the embrace, feeling a mix of confusion and disappointment. She couldn't understand why he didn't respond to her hug; perhaps he didn't recognize her, maybe he didn't know who she was. This is embarrassing, she thought. She had wanted to ask him at first if she could hug him, but her emotions got the best of her, and she impulsively embraced him.

BTS 8th member: Map of the female memberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora