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Kalia's POV

I woke up from sleep with a bucket of cold water being thrown at my face. I cough up, gasping as I wake up, tied to a pole and inside of a very smelly barn.

"Seems the wild banshee has arisen." A man in a white shirt and brown vest walked in front of me.

"Why am I here?" I asked politely. I wanted to ask what the hell they wanted but I didn't want to get harmed.

"Your boyfriend owes me something." He spoke. "Or whatever he is."

"He must be tired of you if he was fucking two other-" My kidnapper says.

"Gods, enough, Hetrick. No one wants to hear that, not even her." The man sighed.

"What does he owe you?" I asked, raising my brow.

"He knows what he did. I'm surprised he's not here for you yet." The man looked at his nails.

"Maybe I'm just not that valuable to him." I managed to half shrug.

"You might be onto something. But we'll see when we get here." The man spoke.

I sighed. My arms were hurting but I don't think that they care. They did drag me out of my bed, in my nightgown in the middle of the night. I see the bruises on my forearms and legs from me trying to escape the kidnapper.

"Well, do you think he's gonna show up?" Hetrick asked the mystery man.

"He should, we have the girl." The mystery man responded.

"Maybe he needs some pressure." Hetrick had his fist in his palm.

"No, no. Leave the woman out of this. We're already putting her through enough." Wow....I have no words. "It's Stoneblood I want, not her."

"Stoneblood owes you big time, doesn't he?"

"Of course, he does." The mystery man spoke. "Thanks to me, he is what he is today."

Suddenly, I heard yelling outside.

"Vernell, I know you're there!" I wonder how the hell Ronan found us so fast. I was glad to hear his voice again. At least I have a fighting chance.

"Perfect, untie the girl." He orders Hetrick. "Don't do anything stupid, you hear?" He tells me.

I get untied and get dragged by the arm to the outside of the barn.

"I knew you'd come for her." Vernell, no longer a mystery man, says with a smile on his face. Well, he's proud of himself.

"Let the girl go. She has nothing to do with what happened to Olivia." Ronan says, walking towards him.

"Olivia?" I raise my brow.

"It does. If it hadn't been for you leading those monsters to the village, she and everyone else I loved wouldn't have died!" Vernell shouts at Ronan.

"I had no other choice! It was the village or the entire province!" Ronan shouted.

"Look at you, deciding who gets to live or not." Vernell grabbed me and put a knife at my throat. "Now I'm going to let you decide whether you or she walks out of this one."

I need to get out of this mess! I quickly freeze his hands with a quick freeze spell and he cries out in pain, releasing me. I quickly start to run to Ronan, holding on to him like a lifeline. He puts an arm around me and draws his sword.

"Feisty, huh?" He looked at his hands. "You always like them with more sass."

"Are you okay?" Ronan asked me.

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