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Kalia's POV

After the Sisters of the Faith took the remains of Amra away, a young woman approached us.

"Hi, I'm Amra's sister, Fenn." She said, looking nervously. "Is there anywhere that we can speak in private?"

"Sure. Follow me." I led her back into the Guild's base and we went to the chapel of the Great Gods Above.

"So what did you want to tell us?" Ronan asked, raising his brow.

"Well....I wanted to say something to my parents but Amra had threatened me." Fenn sighed, looking extremely nervous. "Amra was seeing someone before she vanished."

"How did you find out?" I asked her.

"Amra started to escape at night. She would pretend to be asleep and then she'd get dressed to leave. She wouldn't come back until dawn and she'd refuse to tell me where she went." Fenn sighed, shaking her head. "One time, I kind of followed her and I saw someone was waiting for her at the edge of the woods. I couldn't make a face or anything but when Amra saw me, she threw a fit and threatened to end my life if I told our parents."

"And what happened to Amra after that?" I crossed my arms against my chest.

"Well, Amra vanished on the night of the Harvest Festival. Everyone looked for her...but there was no trace of her everywhere." Fenn sighed, looking forlorn. "Mother and Father were devastated but I was afraid to say anything."

I gently pat her shoulder. "It's okay. At least we somewhat have an idea of what could have happened."

"Thanks for your help, Fenn." Ronan hands her a tiny purse of coins.

"Wow, you don't have to-" Fenn started, looking at the coin purse.

"Take it. It's the least we can do." Ronan says. Fenn hugs him.

"Thank you." She says. "Thank you so much."

Ronan awkwardly pats her back and pulls away. We leave to head back to the tavern. The barmaid puts two huge mugs of cider in front of us.

"Your food and drink is on the house by order of Brother Luke. Thank you for killing that horrid thing." The barmaid was wiping glasses with a cloth towel.

"Thank you!" I told her as I started to drink mine. It had a strong but still delicious taste of cinnamon, allspice, and apples.

"Two missions and you're already doing good." Ronan smiled at me. "I think you need some experience with close range combat, it is a good skill to have."

"I think I do too. I'm surprised I was able to help the Evertons with knocking the wyvern down." I drank from the mug. I noticed that Ronan had amber eyes. I had greenish gray eyes. His hair was tied back in a ponytail today but was a bit longer than mine. I notice two women approaching Ronan. Their breasts were trying to divorce from the rest of their dress and the slit on the sides of their skirts almost stopped at their hip.

"You must be the one who took down the wyvern with the Evertons and the other Huntress." One said, smiling at him.

"It was." He said. "But I wouldn't take all the credit, Kalia and the Evertons were the ones who disabled it."

"Don't say that." She puts her hand on his shoulder. "I think you deserve an award. At least we do." She had a suggestive look on her face. I wrinkled my face, shook my head, and pretended to drink my cider.

"Well, I guess I shouldn't keep you waiting, should I?" Ronan raised his bow at them, walking off with them. I rolled my eyes.

"Men." I took a drink of my cider. One of the Evertons, the nobleman, sat next to me.

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