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Eyal was going insane like totally,  he might look ruthless at that moment if someone might saw him , he has lost his sanity, doctors and the whole staff for the hospital were even scared of getting close to him
But only he know how much he have broken by just look at the fragile body in front of her , the body of the only person whom he has loved more than anything in the sinner's world

After seeing his state everyone has left him alone with her because there's no way any of them wants to be the victim of his wrath

He just walked closer to her body and sat down beside her , for the second time in his entire years of being alive he has tears in his eyes , first was when his mother died out of alcohol consumption

Only he knows how much his heart is screaming for her at that moment,  he never opened up that much towards any person in his life and never cared,  he took his shivering fingers toward her face and gently caressing it while whispering softly in his broken voice

" Be..bellisima...you can't Leave me like this , you still haven't confessed me your feelings, stay up "

His eyes were eager to see any movement in the body in front of her but there's none

" I told you something bellisima,  you never deny my right?? So get up now ....it's so much of you drama, look how this ruthless mafia leader is begging for you ....now open up your eyes and talk to me ....say all of this was just an act .... you can't be this weak ....get up "

" I SAID GET UP , BELLISIMA " he shouted and punched his hand on the headborad of the bed

He broke down into cries,  it doesn't bother him even a little that his hand was bleeding badly , he thought of never loving someone ever because that's what he was afraid of , of being lonely again , of loosing the person but she was an exception

He loved her , open up to her because he was sure that he would never let anything bad to happen with her but to his dismay but God has other plans

But then suddenly the IV machines which were beeping in silence few seconds ago started making sounds which made Eyal to look up and just at that moment he saw her finger moving and her body which was lifeless a few minutes ago started heaving for breath, he could see the tears rolling down her eyes

He quickly stand up and wrapped his hand around her palms and shouted with his lungs out

everyone came in here in a hurry and seeing the condition inside the room they all quickly get up to their work , one of the nurse place the oxygen mask on her face while the doctor checked her pulse rate and breathing

His eyes were glued to her closed ones which now started shivering like she want to open them, he move closer to her face and whisper

" Yes...bellisima...I always knew you would never leave me alone....bellisima "

She slowly started opening her eyes which were alredy drenched in tears , her vision was blurry which made her to squinch her eye lashes and when her vision got clear the first face she saw was of none other than her husband

She then cried and Eyal hugged her not caring about the medical staff present there whereas ymira also wrapped her arms around his back thought it was little difficult for her because the IV were connected but she cared less at this moment

" Don't ever play with me like that again, amore mio , don't ever leave me " he literally begged her even the staff was shocked seeing him like that

" where would I even go leaving you , I'll always find my way towards you " She answered in her slow yet shivering voice

" And also I need to tell you something "

" what ?? " He asked


A smile covered his face and also answered


Then he again hugged her and captured her lips in a beautiful kiss , both of their tears got mixed with each other and this time the tear was of happiness,  even the eyes of medical staff got watery witnessing such a ruthless mafia caring for his wife so much

Just like that the days passed , it took ymira the whole month to get up from her injuring,  Eyal sat up the whole medical area in his penthouse and a permanent nurse who would look after his wife , although he was also attentive towards even the little thing of her wife

All this while he took a leave from his work and handed over everything to Eram for a little span of time , also after the news of him killing the Sokovian leader spread towards the other mafia groups no one dared to even pinch point anything in his work  and that's the reason that there's so much piece going on in Italy

Even the bratvas were shocked after hearing the tremendous victory of their son-in-law and in the moment of bliss Eram asked them for Cielo's hand which they hardly deny because which mafia would deny the alliance with the most powerful one

And Ivanov was not a man to let go of this golden opportunity of wedding both of his daughters to the SICILIAN MAFIGLIA

That's how the whole year had passed with all of them being busy with Eram and Cielo's wedding and other rituals all the while the new lovey dovey couple got a good news just on the day of their marrige ceremony that is none other than

No one could define the happiness of the couple when the doctors told them the result after ymira started feeling uneasy,  and to be honest Eyal was more excited than Ymira

Now a new responsibility gonna take over him and he is more than please to welcome their kid , he wants to treat his child like the way he was never treated but that doesn't mean that the child would not inherit the mafia bussiness

Mafia would still be there , so as their rulers , doesn't matter what at last they are born in mafia so their bloodlines would continue it but he would make sure that there would not even be a single soul to point out against his child , his child could purse anything it wants but keeping in mind that this mafia belongs to them ...

After 9 months ymira gave birth to twins one boy and a girl the couples was more than pleased to welcome the toddlers into their life's and that's how THE VILLIAN ALSO GOT THE HAPPY ENDING.....



Most of you all weren't satisfied with the ending of this book so heres this one

Hope you all liked it

Do vote and comments

And yeah a new book is coming on November 30th as promised so stay tuned

It's gonna be a fun journey once again

Love you all
Take care ❣❣

YMIRA l Miracle from Heaven l [18+, mature ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ