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 It was a  Usual morning for me when I woke up on my bed in my 2 story apartments at the top of the most expensive building and the whole Sicily

 I got up and moved to the Glass wall that was connected floor to the ceiling and given me the view of the whole Sicily,  my city 

 So ,when I'm going to rule over all the city and this is gonna be under my control. I got ready and dressed up in my suit amd had a gun at the back of my waist on Hollister and a  knife near my ankle which was common for as I can't travel without any kind of weapon with myself although I am myself able to destroy the whole gang at once but sometimes it's necessary to carry one with yourself 

 When I reached to our head office I found that along with other  Gang member sitting on their respective seats like the gang possesses the city and here I am at the middle of the room where all the eyes around me like  They were boring holes into my soul and I was everything but frighten not even a bit because there is no space for fear in our world not even in our nerves lonely . I was gazing them back with the same intensity as them and that make them to grin in proud and then my gaze fell over my father who was looking at me like Checking me out 

He gestured me to come towards him which I reluctantly followed and then he got up beside me and said those words which I always want to listen from his mouth because that was the only thing for which I grow up 

" Look gentlemen , here is my son Eyal Vittori Salvatore and he is going to be next cosa nostra of our famiglia and I guess there is nothing for me to tell you about him because you all already knew about his accomplishments and if anyone of you have any doubts then raise your voice " 

I smirk in satisfaction when none of them raise their words because somehow I know everyone here is fearer of me because of the things I did,  none of them would ever dared to raise their voice because they know the consequences won't be any good and when dad saw this he grin broadly and spoke further 

" so here we are with our results,  but as we all know in order to become the throne owner he have to marry so today I am announcing his marriage in front of you all with none other than the daughter of the Bratvas " 

I knew that it would come anytime soon but now , I didn't show any kind of emotion because that's who I am and marriage is not a big deal for me after seeing everything it's normal but I didn't knew who the girl was because in our world marriages are all about bringing connections not love , it's like love didn't even exist in our world 

Everyone gasps who were present inside the room after hearing the name of the Bratvas because they were one of the biggest mafia organizations after us covering the Russian territory and us being going to make connection with them would be the thing that would make both the families to be at the top in the eyes of everyone 

None of us is less than anyone and that's why we agreed to not mess with each other's business till we are breathing but now my father decided to bound me with them and that's what all that matters but my trance of thoughts was broke by the next words of dad

" So are everyone of you agree with this connection " 

All of them replied yes in unison , I mean who wouldn't when it's the opportunity for all of them to bring out their pride with satisfaction,  when everyone of them left after agreeing and discussing some things related to the work 

Dad and I were sitting at his office room across his desk checking out the recent orders of weapons from New York who just delivered to us and I examined they were of the best quality and for this I satisfied with their work so as the father 

I looked towards him and nodded to which he also beamed and them handed me an envelope before uttering 

" check this out,  there are some information about your trip to SAMARA , where the bratvas are inhabiting from the last few decades and bring eram with you when you go to visit her on her 18th birthday, also  along with information there are few pictures of her and for now you can leave I'll  make sure of everything here , you should prepare for the trip because you know it means so much for ourselves " 

When I came back from the office , I plopped myself on the couch on my living room and threw the envelope on the glass table in front of me because I know after seeing her face nothing is  gonna change for me , even if she is an ugly chuckling I would have to marry her for the sake of our connection 

But then as I closed my eyes I hear the sound of the elevator to open and a loud yelling reached my ear and I know to whom it belonged 

" Brother !  Brother , where are you?? " 

It was eram and now I know he is here to annoy me 


I got up from the couch and as soon as he saw me a big smile crept on his face,  although he is my stepmother's son but he always respected me as a big brother and genuinely care for me , he came for me and then started his usual routine of teasing me 

" Brother , I hear someone gonna marry right!!!" 

" Yes, I guess so my little brother "

" Tell me brother , how are you gonna spent your whole life with a single girl because I literally can't and you know why … " 

" well I haven't think about spending my whole life with a single girl because you know it's common in our world to spend night with mistress even after marrying " 

Both of us smirk because we both know that it's like that and sex is an addiction for us , for which a single girl whole life is not enough and I know that this marriage would be based on only sex and sex 

But then eram's gaze fall on the envelope on the table , he take it in his hold and open it,  I turned around and walked towards the balcony of my apartment when he started reading all the details that was present inside that envelope and then when I reached at the railing I hear his voice from the living room with some kind of amazement 

" Brother , have you seen her picture yet?? " 

He walked towards me and then I replied not bothered by anything 

" No , not yet but does it matter?? It's not like if I would see her anything would change , i would still have to marry her no matter what "

I sighed but then eram's next words make me frown a bit when he said 

" I think you should see her picture "

I turned around to see him and his eyes were stuck on the picture in his hands like he was beyond shock by looking at the picture , I moved towards him and took it from his hands and as soon as my gaze fall on that picture , it felt like the world around me stop and became still , the blood inside my body started to flow slowly and for the first time till yet I felt like I need something in my life more than anything and anyone 

In the picture,  she was looking ethreal with her sapphire coloured eyes , pink plumpy lips and chestnut coloured hair , she was looking like the most innocent things my eyes has ever witnessed . For once I thought how could someone like her would be in our world , she was looking like a new flower that has bloomed and is untainted 

And that's it for me to know that I need her in my home and in my life. And that's how my obsession for my fiance started by just the mere picture of her and the next words that slip from my mouth to Eram were

" We are leaving for SAMARA,  prepare yourself " 

YMIRA l Miracle from Heaven l [18+, mature ]Where stories live. Discover now