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Warning ⚠️: triggered scene ahead

( it could trigger some readers , so if you don't feel comfortable kindly skip it won't effect the story )

For the first time in my life i am loosing my control , I am going insane for searching her
I have altered my team to inform me even if they see the slight movement of the sokovians

We have searched every warehouse of them in the past 3 hours , eram and Cielo have been sent to hospital to check for their well being , though eram doesn't want to waste time so he left Julian with Cielo to escort her upto our penthouse and he came here directly and get back in searching for ymira

I was at the headquarters of the underworld checking out the securities camera to find the location of those people but it seems like they just vanished in the thin layer of wind

Like they never even existed but I know even the most experienced person sometimes do a mistake after all we are humans and humans meant to do mistakes

He might have left some evidence then suddenly my ears caught one of the men's voice
" voice we have found a blurred footage near the eastern side of Milan   I think you should have a look cuz we are suspicious "

I walked and looked at the thing playing in front of the screen nothing was clear but we could still comphened few men taking a body of a girl inside and then my mind clicked,  the girl might be Ymira because the colour of the dress are matching and I quickly Command

" get ready everyone, we have got a hold "

Everyone got alerted and then we walked out towards our cars but my eyes caught Eram running towards me heaving badly,  i stopped in the midway

" Brother,  the other mafia clans seems like going against us , they said if we can't even protect our family then how could we rule the underworld "  he informed me which instantly made me curse

" those motherf*ckers were just looking for a glitch "

But he further continued
" They want to replace you from the position of COSA NOSTRA of the Sicilian mafiglia "

" tell them to arrange the meeting tmrw and then I'll be present there with the Head of the Head of that f*cking sokovian and them we'll see who has guts to protest and 24 hours is still a lot of time for Me to writher that ba*tard "  I said and walked away only to focus on one thing right away and Eram followed behind my car along with our men

I sat inside my suv and ignite the engine to drive towards the given location

When we reached there , the area was unknowingly silent but then as soon as we started stepping closer we heard sounds of chatting and People moving

I instructed Eram to get alerted through the earpiece and soon our men take positions when i found a perfect place to aim at the small army of gangsters in front of me i ordered
" shoot"

The sound of gunfire echoded inside that hall , people from other side also took their guns out ans started firing , bullets from both the sides were tearing the wind

Then my sight fell on a person who was hiding behind a stack of sacks and is calling to someone and then I knew he was informing Sanchez about our arrival , I quickly moved into his direction obviously precautious about the bullets firing

YMIRA l Miracle from Heaven l [18+, mature ]Where stories live. Discover now