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Now we are heading back to Sicily after getting done with each and every ritual of the families
I was walking nearer to my car when I saw her taking slow strides and her sister's hands were tightly clutching hers like she doesn't want to let her go away from her sight and then I saw her assuring her sister and kissed her forehead which made her sister to sigh and part herself away from her but not before uttering those words by glaring in my eyes

" Dare to harm her and I'll make sure to burn you alive "

Is all she said before diverting her gaze again on her sister make me raised my eyebrows and I could see the possessiveness she have for her sister ,  just as I was about to talk back to her to warm her about minding the way of talking Eram came in between and whispered

" it's time to let go , ladies "
His eyes were gaping Cielo in a way in which he never looked at anyone , and when they both parted away I saw Cielo to turn her eyes towards Eram and beamed making me Confused that it's the same girl who threatened me a minute ago is now beaming towards my brother,  but moreover why would I m getting curious about their shits and then walked inside the car and settle myself comfortably

She also came inside after bidding her goodbye to everyone and her smile faded as soon  as she entered and I could sense the tears glistening in her eyes , but i was away from comforting her because that was not my things , I don't know how last night I managed to comfort her and control myself when she was literally helpless and I could just have taken the advantage because from the moment I saw her i have only desired to claim her as mine but I don't know why my guards get down for her

But one things is for sure that u don't want to scare her , i don't want my wife to get scared of me , to flinch everytime I touch her like she was last night. I want her to be as equal as me because I have seen the time my father tortured my mother to the extent that she lost her consciousness but I am not gonna be like him , never ever gonna make my wife to even get nearer to that stage and I would make sure about it

Although I am the upcoming mafia leader but I have my rules and one of them include not raising hand on girls even touching them without their concern , I have never been a fan of sadism , the girls I have fucked before came to myself willing I her forced myself on anyone and I'll not especially on her

I got out of my trance when I hear a sob and then my gaze divert towards her whose eyes were outside the window staring at the clear sky but tears were rolling down , as soon as she think I saw her she wiping her cheeks and utter

" I...I am sorry "

And I don't know why vut my voice came out as calm one rather than hoarse to answer her

" No need for you to apologize for letting out your emotions , bellisima"

That's all I said before letting the partition on between us and driver and then I pulled her towards myself making her face to got pressed against me , I could feel her still bit after some time she relaxed and the next moment I saw my shirt to get wet because of my wife's tears , I know it's her first time leaving her family and it must be hard for her and I would even sacrifice my every shirt for her if that means she could calm down

When we reached at the airport where our private jet was waiting for us I tried to part herself but noticed she has alredy fallen asleep and an unknown calmness erupted from my side

The driver opened the car's door and   I got out carrying her tiny frame in between my arms and she snuggled her face on my chest like a little kitten , I got inside the jet and made her sit on the seat and waited for other family members to arrive so that we could leave till then I m not gonna wake her up from her precious sleep
When the staff informed me that everyone has arrived I woke her up as we are going to take off for Sicily,  her eyelids were heavy and she was looking ethreal with her tiny pout forming on her face and then the realization hitted he she made herself straight and oogle at her surroundings when I informed her

" we are in the plane already and now is going to take off so tie your seat belt "

She nodded and then tied the seat belt around her and as the pilot announced about the takeoff and plane left the runway towards the sky , her plans clutched my arms in despiration and when I looked towards her , her eye were alredy clenched this made me know that she have never been on a plane before

When the plane got still in the air I took her palm in between mine and told

" you can now open your eyes "
And she did gladly her breathing was heavy and when she roamed her eyes towards the window which was on my side I could literally see the excitement in her eyes and then I offered her to exchange the seats

" would you like to switch the seats "
She nodded with a smile and then I unclothed both of ours seatbelts and then she sat at the window seat her eyes were wide by looking at the clouds and the horizon of the sun and a beautiful smile was already capturing her face , her nose became red because of the chilled whether which was looking like a cherry on top of her beauty

She nibbled on her bottom lips turning it slightly dark pink making the urge to pull her into a kiss to emerge from inside me but I know my that action would make that smile from her face to dissappear in a second and I don't want that to happen at any cost......


Sorry for the delay bubs
Don't be mad on this lazy author of yourse
* puppy eyes

Try to update next asap ❤

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