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As I came put of the bathroom in one of the silk nightwear that was present inside the room I saw him half lying on the bed and his back was against the headboard and that was even without his shirt one I could feel my cheeks turning hot 

That is one of the effect when you see a male shirtless when all the time you were kept away from even the shadow of the men , I stood there staring at him because I can't find the courage to go towards the bed when he was like this and then his eyes met mine , and his next words made me realise he understood my hesitation 

" come here,  I won't bite you and I have a habit to sleep without clothes on but still I am wearing my pants for your sake" 

Then I noticed he was right he was still wearing his suits trousers and that little things from him make a relaxing feeling feeling to emerge all the way inside of me , I slowly walked towards the bed and settles down and started opening the duvet , when I was about to lie down in order to sleep he sudden pulled me towards his chest making my eyes widened and his smirk to come across his face 

" I am not allowed to touch you , bellisima but can I kiss you , princess ? " 

The way he was asking me made something to emerge inside me and I nodded before he slammed his lips on mine in a fierce possessive manner I was dumb not knowing what to do how to respond I stay still which made him pull back and ask me 

" when I kiss you in altar , was that your first kiss , bellissima? "

I downcasted my eyes before nodding and a grown left from his mouth but then he pulled my chin up through his index finger and made me look into his eyes directly before saying 

" Now , forget that one and remember this one which I am going to give you as your first kiss and move along with my movements,  princess "

He again crashed his lips on mine and this time it was slow , passionate,  beautiful which made me close my eyes and lost into the warmth and I started moving my lips just as he was doing and soon it became a moment,  our lips mangled with each other and syncing in a beautiful rhythm 

We pulled apart from the kiss when my breathing gets heavier and a smile made on my face , i guess it was the first genuine smile from the moment where i got to know that I am going to marry him,  now I could literally tell anyone that my first kiss is worth for and before it could get more Hard and intimate between us he pulled me towards his chest and made us both to settles down on the bed and pull covers over us 

It was strange but yet soothing that he was not behaving like the person they tell me he is , maybe he is this kind only this time maybe tomorrow he would change into someone else bug rightnow i wanna enjoy this moment I try to make myself comfortable snuggled in his chest and then he placed a kiss on my forehead that was assuring that everything is fine 

And then the darkness consume our eyes and it was the most beautiful sleep I have had all my 18 years which I don't know why but I sleep silently without any tensions and horrible thoughts 

Next morning the rays of tea sun came across the white curtains and fall directly on my face which made me flutter my eyelashes them but I found myself caged and when i finally opened my eyes i saw a broad chest and I looked up only to witness by his sleepy face 

I tried to get up as I am in real need of using the washroom but then he caged me tightly and I realised he is not really asleep so I whisper in a gentle voice 

" let me go , I need to use the washroom "

Then he opened his eyes and let go of his hold on my waist which made me to jump hurriedly and went inside the bathroom and then I heard a knock on our room's door and I know why they must be here to witness the torn dress and bloody sheets , I sighed and hear him opening the door which was followed by sounds of ladies making me sure that they entered 

And then he entered in the bathroom making my eyes widen because in hurry to pee I forget to lock the door and he was now in only a towel hanging on his waist,  he must have removed the pants I ordered to present them the show

And his Hollister was clung to his body, I have never seen him without Hollister except last night which made me think does he ever take it out or not but the view emerge something inside me to the south direction, I mentally slapped myself and went inside the showerstall which was parted by a glass wall and then saw him being busy in making his beared 

I want to shower but I am hesitated to take out my clothes because it would be the first time I would strip myself in front of anyone but then it was like he could read my mind when he said those words 

" Strip yourself it's not like I am never gonna see you naked besides you're my wife and these things are normal so go ahead and shower comfortably "

I pressed my lips together and nodded then slide down my night dress before getting into a warm shower , I could witness his gaze linger on my body but he control himself and that was enough for me 

I take my time to clean myself up before heading out of the shower into a white bathrobe and then he get inside to get himself clean up , the sounds from outside fade away making us realize that all of them went out and now everything is settled except that now I have to move to Sicily with him in his state and don't know upto when I would be able to protect my virtue although he doesn't make me feel like forced but lust could make any person to take out the worst of ever……


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