Chapter 4: Worries

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"I got you, sweetheart," Skyler said, holding Savannah tight to her chest.

"You weren't there."

"I know, I'm sorry, I didn't think it would take me too long, I was wrong," She told her, "Did you eat breakfast yet?"

Savannah shook her head, and Skyler smiled at her, "Well can't have that, come on, let's eat."

Savannah peeked over at Adam who smiled gently at me, "Good morning, Savvy."

"Morning," She said softly. As they walked Savannah looked forward. Though sneaking a glance once in a while at her new big brother. Savannah's mom had told her once that her dad had been older than her. When he spotted Savannah watching him, her eyes got wide and she looked away. He found it cute.

"Is Dex okay?" She asked Skyler. Skyler smiled at her and said he was doing just fine. Though her truck didn't do so well in the weather. Savannah is a little happy that she can't leave just yet. She thought about last night's events in the bath, her bottom didn't hurt but If Skyler got to her she knew then her bottom would still be hurting this morning. Once inside and hands washed Maverick set a plate of pancakes in front of her and Savannah smiled largely. Adam looked at him.

"What it's what Colton made, take it up with him."

"Oh I will," Adam said.

"Not too much sugar, Munchkin, you are gonna get more cavities."

"Okay," She told them, taking a large bite of pancakes and smiling, looking for something to wash it down. She went to grab Skyler's coffee though Skyler pulled it away and put water in front of her. Savannah washed it down and looked at her coffee again. Contemplating if she could sneak a drink of it this time.

"Evers got detention by the way," Maverick said. Adam looked at him confused.

"Why? It's not even noon yet?"

"Don't know said he can be picked up later though,"

"Course he did. Wonder what's going on with him,"

Savannah watched them. What was detention? They didn't sound happy about that. She looked at Skyler's coffee and smiled largely at her.

"Not a chance, last time you went wild."

"I didn't, just a little bit, please."

"Hmm," Sky smiled and squeezed her nose between her fingers playfully, "You did. Not this time."

While they were talking, Adam walked over to the fridge and got the milk out, pouring a cup of milk and putting it in front of Savannah. She looked at the cup and scowled.

"Gross," She didn't try touching the cup.

"One cup this morning I didn't put a lot in there. But no coffee Savvy,"

Savannah gave her Aunt a pleading look and Skyler raised her eyebrows at her antics.

"He is in charge now. I don't know why you are looking at me."

Oh, that is right. Adam, her eldest brother whom she did not know about, is in charge of her though he's her half-brother from what she understood, she didn't know if that made a difference. Savannah didn't really understand why she couldn't just stay with her Aunt. She had been living with her for the last few years. Lost in thought now, Savannah started playing with her pancakes, and thought about Montana and Aunt Skyler there alone. That didn't sit right with her at all.

Skyler never really looked at men and was always alone. Savannah was scared to let her go back by herself, not with that other weirdo out there stalking her even though she doesn't know about the stalking letters yet. Though Savannah isn't sure if she should tell Skyler about them yet they started a month ago and they're getting more weird.

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