Getting Back To Action

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[ Andrew's POV ]
{ 6 Months Later }

In the past 6 months I have been working on getting back in shape from my surgeries I I've had a lot of help in that regard from Allen and of course Lexi, when they get free time they come and help me.

Rebecca on the other hand is almost ready to pop, she tells me everyday that she can't wait for the twins to be born not only to get back in the ring but so she doesn't have to feel and I quote from her " So I don't look like a humpback whale ".

Me and her have became closer than I can even describe she always comes over to keep me company when I'm alone we do all sorts of things together I hate to say it, sorry Allen she's my new best friend.

Right now I'm in my home gym I'm deadlifting a little over 320 lbs of I'm being honest I've gained more muscle than I ever had before on that front I have to thank Brock, over 6 months he's been talking trash about me my family and worst of all Lexi which really pissed me off, his last post on Instagram he said she was a slut who only good for things in the bedroom, just thinking about it made me go harder so I could come back and show him how a wolf takes his prey.

As I was focused on exercising I didn't hear Rebecca come in the gym until I heard someones throat clear, I looked up to see her standing there with her hands supporting her back as she said.

Rebecca: Didn't you hear me knock?

I put the weights back where they went and got up and grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat off of me and my torso cause I don't wear a shirt when I work out, then I spoke as I looked at her.

Andrew: Sorry about that Becca, it's just.......

And before I could finish she finished it for me.

Rebecca: Yeah I know Brock is playing games with you and I know you hate when someone plays with you.

I put my towel down and went up to her and guided her to the couch in the corner so she can rest her feet and back, when I sat her down I sat next to her then after a deep sigh I spoke.

Andrew: Did you see his latest post on Instagram?

I said as I looked off into the distance then back to her to see her face that clearly said she did as she spoke.

Rebecca: Yeah me and Allen both did, and to say Allens upset is an understatement tonight on Raw he's gonna do something about it.

I just shook my head cause I know how Allen gets when someone disrespects his family or friends, I felt the same way maybe that's why we are friends,but I want to do something about it but I'm not cleared yet which made me so fustrated I got up off the couch clearly upset then Rebecca spoke.

Rebecca: I know you want to be the one to show him who's boss, but Hunter hasn't cleared you yet and I know you hate that.

I sighed heavily then sat back down and said.

Andrew: Where is Raw gonna be at tonight?

She thinks for a moment then spoke.

Rebecca: They will be in Cincinnati tonight why, you thinking on buying tickets?

I looked at her and gave her a a mischievous smirk as she caught on to my thought then she said.

Rebecca: You aren't thinking about going against the Drs orders and getting in the ring are you?

She said with a curious yet playful way, I shook my head as I said.

Andrew: You know me all to well Becca, but I'm just thinking about it I don't know if I will or not, but I want you to be there cause I know Lexi is having a hard time especially after what Brock said about her, it took me all night to calm her down from what he said.

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