Getting A Call From Hunter

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[ Andrew's POV ]

It's been almost 2 weeks since I got home and I'm so glad to be, but part of me wants to get back in the ring tomorrow but I can't until I get cleared by the WWE doctors, my doctor's says I need at least 6 months to a year to heal properly but I think I can knock that out in 4 months, heck I'm a soldier I went through worse than this I can take it.

I was in bed just scrolling through Instagram when I came across something that just pissed me off, it was Brock Lesnar saying that he forced me to retire from my injuries so I nipped that in the butt and made my own post and put it on all my social medias.

Twitter: OmegaOfOmegeas: I am very much not retired and I hope to get back in the ring soon to shut the mouth of the one who's spreading this bunch of bull.

Instagram: Andrew-TheOmega: I've been seeing a certain things called the beast saying he put me out, well I got news for you I'm most certainly not out, and when I come back he's the first I'm gonna make regret ever crossing me.

After I posted that Lexi had to comment and hers was the best.

Alexis: Alexa_Bliss_wwe: That's right and not only will he be added to the hunting list but he will feel the wrath of all the five feet of fury.

I instantly liked that and after a few minutes Lexi came into our bed room and looked at me with that beautiful smile then held up her phone as she said while pointing at my post.

Alexis: So, I guess we got some heads to split when you get better huh?

She said with an adorable laugh which I couldn't help but smile at , I motioned for her to come and lay with me which she did, she cuddled up in my arms just laying there in complete silence before my phone went off I looked at it to see it was Hunter video calling me I looked at Lexi then she said.

Alexis: I'll let you take that In private.

She said trying to get up but I wouldn't let her to be honest I didn't want to let go of her, over the past 2 weeks she has been trying not to hurt me which meant she hardly cuddled with me, and I don't care If I am a man dang it I love cuddles and I'm not ashamed of it, I looked down at her and said.

Andrew: No I want you to stay.

After I said that her eyes lit up knowing that whatever Hunter had to say he could say to the both of us cause we are a unit now and forever, I answered his call as we began to talk.

Andrew: Hey Hunter, whats up?

He saw that Lexi was I the call to so I told him.

Andrew: Whatever you have to tell me you can tell her, after all we are engaged.

He smiled as he shook his head as he began to talk.

Hunter: Ok, so we met up with our doctors about your current health and they informed me that not only will you be one hundred percent better but you will make a full return to the ring.

Me and Lexi sighed in relief knowing I could come back to what I'm good at but before I could finish my thought Lexi asked Hunter in a concerned tone.

Alexis: When will he be able to come back?

Hunter looked at her then to some charts after a moment he looked back up at us and said with a smile.

Hunter: He will be able to come back at Hell In The Cell, so in 6 months.

I looked down at Lexi then back up to Hunter as he said something else.

Hunter: But knowing you, you will get back to health in half that time so you will be coming back at Summer Slam, I also saw what Brock put on social media and I must say that was quite ballsy of him.

I snorted at that response which made both of them laugh, then I spoke.

Andrew: And did you see what I said to that?

Hunter shook his head as I continued to speak.

Andrew: That just got me pumped to get better faster so I can shut his loud mouth up and show him what it means to be the top Wolf.

After I said that I smirked as Lexi cuddled up more on me and Hunter nodding knowing I meant what I said then he spoke.

Hunter: And social media is eating it up to, over a million people already seen it and liked it and it's only been up.

He looked at his watch then back at us as we spoke in amazement.

Hunter: About 15 minutes which is a new record, so the hype for you twos rematch is already in overdrive so keep it up along with your workouts and rehab.

Andrew: Ok I will boss, I'll talk to you soon.

Hunter: You better believe it Man, Enjoy your time off.

He said in an obvious playful way as we hung up, I put my phone back on the night stand then looked down at my bride to be, she was beaming with pride I can't get enough of this woman she is everything I always wanted and more and I'm never letting her go, after that thought I leaned down and kissed her forehead then as I was leaning back up she grabbed my cheeks with both her hands then said.

Alexis: You don't get away with a peck on the forehead mister~.

I smirked at her as she pulled me back down, our lips met and it turned into a heated make out session but I had to stop, I didn't want to but the Drs said I had to take it easy for at least 3 weeks, I pulled away earning a disapproving moan by my Goddess.

Alexis: No fair we was just getting to the good stuff~.

I looked down at her underneath me then sighed heavily wishing I could keep going as I spoke.

Andrew: You heard what the Drs said, not intimate work outs for at least 3 weeks.

Alexis: I know and I hate that but I understand, I'm not happy about it but I get it I want you back at one hundred percent~.

I climbed off her and got out of bed making my way towards the bathroom then I stopped and looked back at her then said.

Andrew: Well if we can't be physical with eachother how about we do what we love to do when we aren't.

He head jolts up and smiled knowing what I meant, she got out of bed and walked toward me then put her hands behind my neck making me lean down a little as she spoke.

Alexis: Are you taking about what I think your talking about.

She said with an extremely adorable voice as I shook my head as I spoke.

Andrew: Yes, we can go work out together, but not as hard as we usually go since I have to ease back into it.

She nodded her head then let go of me, I smiled at her as he went into her closet to get her workout gear and mine, I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth then get ready to work out with my Goddess.

( To Be Continued)

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