What Comes Next

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[ 3rd Person POV ]

Alexis is still waiting for Andrew to wake up, he has been out for 2 days, in those 2 days Rebecca and Allen found out they are having twins a boy and a girl so they are obviously happy yet scared as all expecting parents are, Alexis has been nowhere but at Andrew's side she hasn't slept or ate, Bob and Angela flown out and brought Alexis' and Andrew's animals, also they were worried to not only for Andrew but for Alexis.

They were worried that her eating disorder would come back, Bob and Angela walked into Andrew's room and along with them is Ghost, when she sees Andrew in the bed she immediately runs over and jumps on the bed to check on her master, it scared Alexis, she yelped then spoke.

Alexis: Ghost? What are you doing here.

Bob: We brought her.

Alexis turns to see her parents, she gets up and they hugged, Alexis made her way back to Andrew's side grabbing his hand, Angela comes up to her and you can tell she is worried for both of them when she spoke while putting her hand on Alexis' shoulder.

Angela: He'll be ok sweetie, he's been through way worse than this and came back.

Bob: She has a point pumpkin, and I know he will.

Bob comes up to Alexis and kissed her head while continued talking.

Bob: Cause he has to much to lose.

Alexis looked up at her Father then her Mother then said looking back down to Andrew.

Alexis: I know, but I can't help it I love him more than anything.

She started to sob alittle as Bob and Angela comfort their daughter while Ghost lays on Andrew's lap looking up at him anxiously waiting for her master to wake up.

{ 3 Hours Later }

Alexis just got off the phone with Andrew's parents, she came back into Andrew's room seeing ghost still in the same position she was when she arrived, she saw her parents setting out dinner for them, they finally talked Alexis into eating, they looked up from the preparation of the food to see her come back into the room then Angela asked.

Angela: So did they say, are they coming?

Alexis: They said they would be here tomorrow, and his sister said she will be on the first flight and be here as soon as she can.

Bob and Angela nodded then went back to preparing the food while Alexis went to the bathroom.

Meanwhile Ghost is called to attention when she feels moving she immediately barks catching the attention of the Older Kauffman's, they look over then quickly come over asking.

Bob: Is everything ok girl?

Ghost continued to bark as Bob tried to calm her, then Angela sees Andrew's fingers move she puts her hand on bob's shoulder as she said.

Angela: Bob?,Bob!?!,

She says gaining his attention she pointed to Andrew's fingers then said.

Angela: Look! He's moving his fingers!.

Bob: Started to smile then yelled to Alexis.


Not even a moment passed when Alexis came running out of the bathroom and in no time she was by his side, then they saw his eyes slowly open.

[ Andrew's POV ]

I slowly wake up to a weight on my legs, I slowly open my eyes, trying to get used to the light, I saw ghost laying there with her tongue hanging out clearly happy, I use my healthy arm to pet her while saying.

Andrew: ( Weakly) Ghost? What are you doing here.

She just happy barked then I heard.

Bob: We brought her she was going crazy, she missed you.

I slowly looked over to see who was there and saw my future in laws holding eachother with happy smiles on their faces.

Andrew: Oh, thank you for taking care of her she means alot to me.

I said as I continued to pet her with a now growing smile on my face as Angela said.

Angela: Of course Son, we know she does.

She said with a hint of knowing in her voice so I knew she and Bob knew about the proposal so I said.

Andrew: I guess the cats out of the bag then.

Alexis: Yeah, but I'm just glad your awake now, I missed you so much.

I looked to my right to see my fiance, god I missed her beautiful face.

She just smiled as I stopped petting Ghost then grabbed her hand that was on my thigh and kissed it then said

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She just smiled as I stopped petting Ghost then grabbed her hand that was on my thigh and kissed it then said.

Andrew: I am too, you get more beautiful everytime I see you.

She blushed perfusually, their isn't many thing that I could say that looks more beautiful than her but then again who could beat the clouds, sun, and all nature, Alexis could, after a moment I spoke.

Andrew: How long have I've been out?

Dr. Hightower: You have been out for almost 3 days.

We heard the doctor as he came through the door as he continued while checking my vitals.

Dr. Hightower: And I must say you looks good for someone who just came out of a coma, your breathing is ok, now to check your blood pressure.

As the doctor came around with the blood pressure cuff Ghost growler and beared her teeth still on my lap but looking at the doctor who was scared so I said.

Andrew: That's enough Ghost, stand down it's ok.

She calmed down and layed her head back down on my leg still watching the doctor carefully.

Andrew: Sorry doc, she very protective, but not as much as her momma.

I said as I looked at Alexis, she just chuckled and shook her head.

Dr. Hightower: It's ok I understand I got a German Shepherd who's the same way, but how did you teach her that.

Andrew: Well Doc, I took her to boot camp with me when I was getting ready to deploy so we both learned control.

He just shook his head and told us every thing was ok and said he would be back later to check up on me and give me a eta when I can go home and get back to work, but right now I'm just happy being with the woman I love.

( To Be Continued)

What do you think Allen and Rebecca name their twins?

Will they ask Andrew and Alexis to be god parents?

Why do you think Alexis ran to the bathroom?

Feedback is appreciated.

This is Skooter137 signing off till next time 🤘.

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