Reunited and it feels so good?

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[Andrew's POV]

As I stare Brock down I slowly walk around the ring and he never takes his eyes off of The Beast like a Wolf stalking it's prey then I slide in the ring and starts to pounce on Brock and start to beat him to a pulp I grab him by the head and hold his head I'm front of mine and say.


After I say that I line him for The Omegas Howl

And I drill him into the mat with a CRASH!!!!! I get up and look down at him and then look at Paul also the crowd as I do the Omegas Bite to Paul.

After I do that I pick up the WWE Championship and look at the crowd and they cheer and roar I raise the belt over my head and take it in then lay the belt down on Brock then go over to the turnbuckle I put one leg on the 2nd rope and the other on the bottom one and howl into the arena then I leave the ring as my music plays as I make my way back up to the Gorriella.

[Alexa's POV]

As Becks and me watch Andy Stalk Brock I can't help but admire how he looks now don't get me wrong he kept good care of himself when we were growing up but now he's bigger than he has ever been.

Becky:(smirking) careful Lex your drooling.

As she laughs I check to see if I was and I was alittle and Becks laughs harder.

Becky:(calming down) so that's the first boyfriend huh.

Alexa: (mumbling) he was my first everything.

I say as I smile and remember all of our firsts without even knowing I'm doing it. But Becks see this and says.

Becky: So you still love him huh.

I was taken aback when she said that and I got flushed I couldn't get no words out then she said.

Becky: I get it though your with Ryan just be cautious and don't hurt both of them in the process.

She says as she leaves to find Seth and take watching there daughter for awhile.

While I sit there and watch Andy demolish Paul and Brock I can't help but feel my cheeks heat up and I just shake it off and see that he's on his way to the Gorriella and then I make my mind up it's time to talk to him.

[Andrew's POV]

As I make my way to the Gorriella I'm greeted by Hunter,Shawn,and Allen they congralate me and tell me they are proud of me till I lay eyes on the only woman that ever mattered to me.

Andrew: Lexi

Andrew: Lexi

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
The Omegas Goddessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें