The Match At Summer Slam

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{ The Next Week }

[ Andrew's POV ]

As me and my "Pack" walk through the corridors of the arena we were talking about what will happen at Summer Slam in 2 weeks but I'm not giving them anything I want it to be a surprise.

Andrew: I told you, you all will find out what the match is tonight at the contract signing.

Becks: Oh come on Wolfie tell us.

Allen: Yeah we are so curious to know what's gonna happen.

Lexi: Come on baby tell us~.

As they are trying to get me to tell them Lexi was the one that almost made me tell them cause ever since we been back together she's never let me out of her sights and to be honest I'd have it no other way. She was talking into my ear saying I should tell them and that's why I mean she almost got it out of me but I was saved by Shawn.

Shawn: You all know he can't tell you guys anything and that comes from Hunter not me or him.

As he said that they got really disappointed, I looked at Shawn and mouthed "Thank You" and he mouthed back "Your Welcome".

As we broke off to go get ready for tonight Shawn walked with us and he said.

Shawn: So Allen did you pop the question yet?

We looked at Shawn in disbelief he just smirked and said.

Shawn: Relax I heard you two talking at the PC about it last week.

We sighed in relief me and Allen has been trying to keep it on the down low to get everything ready for the proposal and the last thing we need is the girls to find out and when I mean girls I mean Lexi I love her to death but she can't keep a secret to save her life.

Allen: Not yet me and Andy are trying to get everything ready for the proposal I want it to be speicial and romantic.

Shawn: I get it and don't worry your secret is safe with me.

After he said that we made our way into the locker room as Shawn made his way to the production area to get things ready for tonight.

As we were getting ready I asked.

Andrew: Did you get the ring yet?

Allen: Yeah it was my grandmothers it's in a safe place until the time comes.

After he said that he asked me something of the topic of him and Becks.

Allen: So where is the ring you have for Lexi.

Andrew: You do know when it comes to sparkly things Lexi will find it.

We laugh at that and I continue to talk.

Andrew: But in all seriousness I gave it to my parents to hold on to until it's the right time.

{ 2 Hours Later Start Of The Show }

Michael: Tonight we have a big card for tonight.

Corey: You got that right Cole in our first match will be Bianca Bellair vs Ronda Rousey in a number one contender match for the chance at Becky Lynch's Raw Women's Championship.

Micheal: And the main event will be the contact signing of the "Beast Incarnate" Brock Lesnar and "The Omega" Andrew.

Corey: Yeah and I am looking forward to see what stipulation that the Challenger chose cause Brock told him and I quote " You pick the stipulation of the match because either way I'll Destroy you!!".

Micheal: That moment was intense but The Omega didn't back down he got up in his face and looked him dead on the eye and said I quote "Be careful what you wish for big man because your title reign will end at Summer Slam and I'll leave you broken and battered in the ring".

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