Chapter 17: There

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Garfield POV:
We needed to find her soon. I was starting to get really worried. And started to wonder if we would ever find her.

If this was like what happened 5 years ago. I can't lose her,not again.

I got up off the ground still looking. It was dark, i hadn't slept in days. Not since that nap we took together, before I let her get out of my sight.

I started to tear up and walked off to get away from everyone. I found a lake and sat,looking at the water. Tears forming at the brim of my eyes.

They started falling down my cheeks. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed her touch. I needed her more than anything right now.

To comfort me,to hold me, to be there for me when I need her. And I need her.

I miss her purple hair, her amythist eyes. Her figure,the way she would look at me. And I also miss her smile.

I heard a twig snap behind me, I turned with lightning speed only to see Cyborg.

I turned back around staring at the water,wiping my tears away with my arm.

"Gar? Are you ok? I woke up and you had left," Cyborg said. He came up behind me and placed a metal hand on my back.

"I miss her,Cy. I miss her touch,her kisses, her smile,everything," I said starting to break down into tears once again.

I put my head in my hands,tears starting to run down my cheeks,making them more green than usual.

"Gar,hey. Its ok. We will find her. We will bring her back home. You will be able to snuggle with her,and be there for her and vis versa," Cyborg said to me. He got up and walked away.

I just sat there,looking and thinking about what Cy said. I looked up and saw a glimpse of light. Just across the little river.

I got up and shifted to a hawk.

I flew for a while till I reached the building where the light came from.

I perched on the balcony against a wall just in case. Someone opened the door and walked out. They where in a white gown with flats. She had her elbows on the railing with her head in her hands.

Staring out into the woods. She stood up and I noticed that there was a violet hint to her hair.


I flew down and stared at her. She turned and looked at me.
"Garfield? Is that you?" She asked. She came closer to me.

I shifted and stood. She smiled and ran into me. I held her close, and breathed in her scent. I started to tear up.

She pulled out of the hug to wipe away my tears. I pulled her lips close to mine. We kissed really quick.

"Garfield, you need to leave. Before Striker finds you. Please," she begged.

"Not without you," I said.

"Garfield please. I can't go with you. At least not now. Tomorrow morning," she said. I nodded in agreement.

I flew away and landed by Cyborgs head.

"Cyborg! Wake up. Come on I found her," he woke with a start.

I lead them all towards the house,and pointed to the room she was in.

We got to the balcony, and opened the door. She was asleep. Right next to her was the man that took her. He had his arm around her waist.

I felt my blood boil. She was trying to stay away from him. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at all of us. She smiled,but winced in pain when his arm wrapped around her waist tightened.

Cyborg put a mask on his mouth and nose. Knockout gas.

His arm went limp,and she got up to hug me. She was a little weak,more than when I saw her just an hour before.

Star grabbed her cloak and her old outfit a flew off toward the ship with Nightwing and Cyborg not to far behind.

I picked Raven up Bridal style, and jumped off the balcony. We ran toward the ship. I could tell she was drugged, because she was dozing in and out of consciousness.

Cy did a scan and found a sleeping pill in her system. But she would be ok. I kept her in my pod and we flew off towards home.

I placed her in my room and I watched her very closely. She was breathing steadily.

I stayed awake, until she opened her eyes and gave me a smile.

"Hey, are you ok? You look exhausted,Garfield," she said with her sweet voice.

"I am," I said.
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