Chapter 8: The nightmare continues

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Raven's POV:

Garfeild held me tight as I cried. It had been so long since I've seen him or the tower.

I sat up and he released his hold on me. I wiped my eyes. He looked hurt when I left his hug.

"What are you doing here, Garfeild?" I asked him.

He was silent a looked at the floor. I knew he didn't like to talk about his past, or anyone's at that matter.

I was about to get up,and go get a few tissues, when I felt him wrap his arms around my waist. I knelt back down, he was still holding me.I looked at him, his big emerald eyes started to tear up.

"I was having nightmares about everything,ok. It was so bad I thought if I came here it might calm them down or stop them," he told me. His tears starred to run down his cheeks.

He still held me close,I started to rub the back of his head in comfort. He started to nuzzle my waist. I thought it was a little weird but right now he needed comfort, not insult.

After about 5 more minutes of crying, he calmed down and let me leave for a few seconds. He was relieved when I came back into his old room.

"Why did you leave us,Raven?" He asked.

"Leave? You all thought I left?"I said with a confused tone.

He nodded his head in response.

" Well I didn't leave. I had no reason to. I loved you all and my home and since my father is gone,I have nothing to worry about in the future, " I told him.

"What happened to you?" I started to teat up after hearing those words. I was gone for 4 of the 5 years we have been separated.

"Please,Rae. I need to know. I was so worried that you left because of me teasing and pranking you," he told me. I looked over to him,he was looking at the floor again. I placed a hand on his shoulder and one on his right hand.

"2 weeks before I was taken, some men came to my room..."

I woke with a hand on my mouth telling me to be quite. He was tall and lean. He had 2 other buddies. I thought they where here to rape me.

I was ready to fight if that was the case. But they just stood there keeping and eye on me. I heard a noise like something hit a wall. That something was Garfield. He had been sleepwalking for a whole now. We told him to go see a doctor about it.

Anyway,when the thuds stopped sounding so painful, the big guy started to talk.

"You must be Raven. My,you look a lot sexier than in the photo we saw of you.
'Photo' I thought questionable. He spook some more.

"Here is the deal,love. We have a certain buyer that would like to run tests on you. Its a simple test run dear," he looked at me like I was crazy.

"We are to take you to meet him. Let's go," and with that I got up and went out the window. I had to,just in case something where to happen to my friends.

You never know with mad doctors these days.
I walked into his"lab". He had brown hair and red glasses. He looked at me,his emotions read lust. Gross.

"My,my. Arnt u a pretty little thing," he said walking towards me. He stopped and said"Relax,my dear. I am only taking tests for an examination,". He took blood from my arm.

It went like that for two weeks. Then he kidnapped me,not his henchmen, him. He took me to his basement. I was scared.
~~~~end flashback~~~~~

"He wanted to make me his. It was like that for four years. He touched me once,every other time he tried I hit him where the sun doesn't shine. He never did make me his. I'm still a virgin. About a year ago I came back to the tower. I was disgusted by my room because that was where he touched me. So I slept in your room. When I saw that everyone moved on and had great lives, I just stayed here,and took care of my self," I finished no longer crying.

I noticed Gar was growling when I mentioned the mad doctor touching me.

"What was that for?" I asked him

He looked down at the floor.


Hey my lovelys,

I'm still on spring break,so I might post one more part before Monday.
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