Chapter 3: Separated pt. 2

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Starfire POV:

I had looked out the window to the beautiful landscape of the mountains of rocky.

I have been able to talk more clearly in my grammer. But still need a little bit of the help at times. I also go by the name Kori Anders in public for now.

It has been five years since I have seen the titans.

I had spoken to the friend Beast Boy yesterday. He had seemed well. But I could feel that something was wrong.

He had not heard from any of us since we broke up.

"Miss Andar, we need u on set in a few minutes," a man said through my door.

" I will be out in a minute," I said quickly changing into my new outfit.

Being the model is the hard work. I just wish I could see all my friends once more.

I left the dressing room and found the photographer and the spring like area. I was modeling a floral skirt with a yellow top and the pink ballet flats. I also had a small scarf around my neck. And my fire red hair was pulled into the pony of tails.

I tried to do the smiling but I haven't smiled,truly, in a while. I waited till he was done,then left for home in the dark of the night. Remembering the times at night when the titans and I fought in the darkness.

I started to tear up at the memory's.

Cyborg POV:

I looked down on earth. It seemed a whole lot smaller up in space then it was.

I walked to my room. The door opened and I saw the photos of my and my friends. They where more like family since my mainly didn't care what happened to me.

After my accident, my dad could barley look at me without being reminded of what happened.

They didn't care,they accepted me.

I mean we where an odd group. A human acrobat, an alien who kiss men to learn languages, a green boy who can turn into any animal, me a man who is part machine and human, and a demon spawn...

I cringed at the thought of Raven. No one has seen or herd from her since before we split up. She was the reason we split.

No one could find her. She just vanished out of nowhere. Me and BB where heart broken and left.

Not to long after the league accepted me,and I haven't heard from anyone since.

I laid on the metal slab that was my bed and tried to relax. It was hard,remembering all the good times we have had and the bad times.

But eventually I drift off to sleep and await the next day.

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