"Spooky" + "skulluta" + "Redead"

40 4 1

Warnings: swearing, panic attack, passing out, poison

"SHIT!" Legend shouted as he kicked another skulluta, time couldn't even reprimand him for it because he kinda wanted to swear as well.

They had been exploring a cave when, of course, skulluta's and Redead's forced them into a brutal and ugly fight.

"Language" it wasn't time who spoke it, this time it was sky after he got a nasty bite from a skulluta. Legend just scowls "oh bite me."

After a bit more of fighting they were finally able to kill all the monsters. Hyrule did a sweep of everyone, making sure nothing was too serious. Time could already spot a few, like how sky was clutching the arm he got bitten on, four leaning on warriors like if he didn't he would fall, and wild seeming a bit dazed.

It was clear that Hyrule noticed these as well because he took the three to a bigger clearing in the cave to heal them.

Time didn't think much of it until he started getting dizzy. Next he knew he was swaying and his vision began to blur with blackness.

Time heard some yelling but couldn't for the life of him understand what was being said. Last thing he remembered was seeing the ground greating him with open arms.


Time just passed out. OH HYLIA TIME JUST PASSED OUT!

Twilight rushed from his mentor as time's body hit the stone ground. Hyrule was already on him.

"Did anyone see something hit time?" Hyrule asked panic clear in his voice. A verity of 'no's' and shakes of heads was enough to tell twilight that ether the old man hide whatever injury he got, or this was an injury that time didn't even notice.

As Hyrule turned the time around and started checking him for whatever injury he got. Sky, four and wild all let out a hiss of pain as one by one, each of them passed out. The others went to get the three as a clear panic attack started to take hold of Hyrule.

Twilight put a hand on Hyrule back as he tried to take deep breaths and calm his heart.

"Hey, hey, look at me Hyrule, yeah good.." Hyrule looked at twilight and me smiled. "Come on, Match my breathing. Breathe in for 5 seconds and let out for another 5, if you can't breathe through your nose then breathe in through your mouth"

Twilight took his hand that wasn't holding Hyrule's back, and took hyrules hand to put it on his chest. Taking exaggerated breaths for Hyrule to copie.

In a few minutes Hyrule's panic subsided and he was able to think straight again. "Thank you twi.." it came out as a small rasp as he turned to the four members of their chain who passed out. While Hyrule was having his panic attack, the others had managed to move the 4 to bed roles that were spread out on the cave floor.

"Are they okay..?" Hyrule said a bit louder they what he said to twilight, but still quite.

"Yeah, they should be up and moving in about another hour." Warriors informed, Hyrule nodded.

"So..." wind started "does anyone know what actually happened?"

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