With her face buried in her hands, she cried until she felt her head throb. Each breath came painfully and her chest started to ache, her heart feeling the consequences of each loss.

"Please help," She whimpered between sobs, not knowing who it was she was calling to but wishing someone was out there to answer.

An object to her left clattered loudly to the ground, the dead silence of the night magnifying the sound tenfold. She felt herself jump at the sound of metal hitting stone.

Before she could register her actions, she scrambled out of her bed, almost getting tangled in the blankets in the process. Her eyes frantically looked around the room, looking for the one face she trusted to keep her safe.

'Oberyn,' Her lips formed his name but no sound emerged from them. All she wanted to see was him, all she wanted to feel was him.

When she did not find him, she made her way to the door and was about to pull it open to look for him when she remembered the events of the day prior.

She was in her own chambers, far away from him. Oberyn did not care for her. Oberyn did not love her. Oberyn would not do anything to keep her safe because she was the enemy in his eyes.

No one would keep her safe. Not even him. So she would have to brave the creatures of her nightmares alone. No matter how much she wanted his help.

Her hands itched to write her letters but after remembering the implications of those letters in her life, she let go of the idea altogether.

Her hand hovered over the doorknob though she made no further move. Instead, she leaned back against the cold wood of her door as she slowly slid to the floor.

Tucking her knees against her chest, she breathed carefully, trying to hold her pieces together despite wanting nothing more than to return to his arms.

She remained in that spot until the sun rose in the sky, not getting another bout of sleep as she refused to feel helpless in her nightmares all alone.

What she didn't know was outside her door sat the Dornish prince who had her in his thoughts, refusing to leave her alone at all costs. They had sat against the door all night, oblivious of the other's presence.

He had sat guard all night, forced to listen to her whimpers and sobs, thinking that the last thing she wanted was him even if he wanted nothing more than to burst into the room.

That is why even if their hearts called to each other in the dark, with the tugging of their heartstrings pulling them near, they remained at a distance.

So close, yet so very far.


"Where is he?"

Oberyn entered the kitchens, looking the opposite of the picture-perfect prince everyone knew him to be.

His eyes were bloodshot and his hair was unkempt. It was clear that the prince had suffered another sleepless night as everyone had long since heard of the feud that had occurred between the husband and wife.

Days had passed since their confrontation and while no one had been present for the entire argument, gossip spread fast. By the end of the day, everyone had already heard of how Lady Cassandra moved out of their shared chambers and refused to leave her new ones.

"Who are you looking for, Prince Oberyn?" One of the servants dared to ask, despite fearing the prince's reaction.

"Owain. Where is he?" Oberyn questioned, his normally tame dark eyes looking around the kitchen frantically.

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