Taylor's pov Part 13

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Before Taylor walked in on them

I watch Ophelia and John talk

John "can you guys help me find Leon and Clyde?"

Taylor "Yeah. I'll go look around" I walk left while Ophelia goes upstairs and John goes right. I eventually hear them in a store "Spencer's? Out of all stores they hide in there" I hear them in the back room and open the door. "Hey John is looki-" I pause when I see them kissing and I quickly walk out and I go upstairs to find Ophelia

Ophelia "What happen to you?"

"I just saw something I didn't want to see"

Ophelia replies "And that is?"

"I guess Leon and Clyde are gay"

Ophelia "Ok?"

"I saw them making out"

Ophelia pauses for a second "Clyde looked straight when I saw him. Never thought he would be with Leon"


John overheard the conversation "Wait what. I was shipping it but never thought they would be together"

Leon and Clyde walk up to them

John looks at Clyde and Leon "Hey- why is Leon's face so red?"

Clyde "Oh.. uh.. he tripped and fell face first into the wall"

John looks at Leon "So is that why his bottom lip is slightly swollen?"

Clyde ''Yeah"

John replies "Okay... so does that explain why his neck looks wet"

Leon wipes his neck with his sleeve "What wet neck?"

John replies "You just- never mind"

I'm standing behind Ophelia

Ophelia "So when's the wedding"

Clyde "What wedding?"

Leon "Who's wedding?"

Ophelia "You and Clyde's"

Clyde "There's no damn wedding. I'm not gay"

The End (BL)Where stories live. Discover now