Part 15

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Clyde's pov

I watch Leon walk into the woods i look at Ophelia and Taylor listening to their conversation 

Taylor "Yeah that's what i saw" Ophelia replies "I kinda thought Clyde was the homophobic type"

"why are you guys talking about me" I say while walking past them

Ophelia replies "We are talking about you not to you"

Taylor looks at Ophelia "Don't be rude lia"

I follow Leon into the woods "I'll help you find sticks for the fire"

Leon replies "Okay?"

"Can we talk.. about what happened at the mall"

Leon stops walking and turns to look at me "I have no clue what you are talking about"

"Oh shut up. you know what i'm talking about, don't play dumb"

"The rotters? yeah we can talk about the rotters" Leon replies

"Not the rotters idiot"

Leon "The two girls? yeah i didn't expect to see people at the mall"

I'm starting to get mad.. hes definitly trying to avoid talking about it "NO the making out"

Leon replies "What? never happened"

"wait what?.... oh i forgot what i said" i look at Leon "It did happen. ignore what i said earlier.."

Leon "We agreed it never happened so it never happened"

"IT DID HAPPEN. we can't ignore what happened back there"

Leon "Okay fine. lets talk about it then"

word count 203

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