Leons pov part 1

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My alarm clock goes off, I put the alarm on snooze then suddenly I hear


It was my mother. I get up and get changed then walk out of my room "what's for breakfast?" I ask my mom.

My mom replies "sorry hun you will have to eat school breakfast today. I couldn't buy anything"

I grab my bag and I hear our dog Sofie barking and growling outside. I go ahead and slide open the back door then I leave out the front door, I get on the school bus then I hear this annoying and familiar voice


John sits next to me. I sigh "Hi John" eventually the bus gets to the school. First period goes past in a flash, I'm in the hallway walking to the bathroom then I see a kid acting weird in the hallway "hey dude you okay?" I walk up to him and then suddenly he tries attacking me "WHAT THE HELL" I glance at his neck and I see.... Mold?..

The teacher sees what's going on and he grabs the kid, the kid bites the teacher then security gets called.

I watch as they drag the kid out of the school. I'm shaken up from what happen so I start walking home, as I'm walking home I see police at a QT pulling someone out of the building. I'm a very nosey person so I decided to watch on the other side of the road

a ambulance then pulls up to the QT and take someone out of the building. The person is beaten up and has a chunk bitten out of their arm

I start walking again and eventually get home.

Word count 290

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