Leons pov part 2

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I get home then open the front door. It's way quieter than usual. I remember seeing my mother and brothers cars outside so they should be home, suddenly I hear a noise coming from a bedroom and I glance at the floor and see a... Dog tooth?... I walk to the bedroom and open the door and I hear something on the other side of the bed, i slowly walk over there and then my heart skips a beat. Sofie is eating my brother?! My eyes widened as i saw my brothers lifeless body on the floor covered in blood being turned into a dogs feast "SOFIE WHAT THE HELL" I yelled and quickly grabbed the dog by the collar but

the dog tried attacking me

I noticed the smell of rotting and molding skin.. Sofie's eyes... Their different, i catche a glimpse of Sofie's mouth as she tries to bite me, I'm holding her down.. Looks like her gums have been rejecting her teeth maybe.. she has a gum disease? I think to myself. Rabies? No rabies wouldn't cause the rotting and molding.. It's something else like what that kid had when he tried attacking me... He had some type of mold and rotting skin on his neck. Whatever it is... It's spreading through humans and animals... I quickly shove the dog into the closet and I lock it. That old closet won't hold for long.. I quickly run to my brother and I check his pulse. "He's... Dead.." I run out of the room I close the door and lock it, I look around the house for my mother but she's not here. I run out of the house and I see people running every where. "What the hell is happening. Last time I checked this wasn't downtown Tulsa"

Word count 301

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