3rd person part 9

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Leon and John lay down in the car

Clyde looks at them while eating blue takis. He speaks with his mouth full "you guys are going to sleep already?"

John replies "yeah"

Clyde sits in the car and puts the takis up then lays down

They all sleep the rest of the night and John wakes up early in the morning

John sits up and looks at them then thinks to himself wait.. Are they cuddling in their sleep?..

Clyde wakes up then quickly kicks Leon away

Leon wakes up "OW"


Leon looks confused "what? I wasn't"

John replies "actually you were"

Leon looks at John "I wasn't"

Clyde replies "You were"

Leon looks at them "No I wasn't"

Clyde rolls his eyes

Leon puts the back seats in the car then sits the middle seats up "we should go to the mall. I love it's candy"

Clyde replies "yeah we should. I want to go to Spencer's"

Leon and John quickly turns their head to Clyde

Clyde's eyes widen "wait no not like that. I just like the clothes"

John says "do y'all think I can Pierce my nose at Claire's?"

Leon looks at John "well that was random. But yeah"

Leon and Clyde get into the driver and passenger seats. Leon starts driving

John looks at Clyde "why do I have to sit back here"

Clyde looks at John "because children don't ride in passenger seats"

John looks Affended "I'm not a child. I'm literally y'alls age"

They eventually get to the mall and go in

Leon looks at them "ok no running off or I'm putting a backpack leash on both of y'all" Leon starts walking then Clyde trips him

John looks at Clyde "What the hell?! Why did you do that to him"

Clyde says "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for him to fall like that"

Leon sits up with a busted lip "bad news. I taste pennies"

John "quick question. Do you think these things can smell blood? If so.. Your face is a target"

Leon "well un-target my face"

Clyde walks to him and crouches down next to Leon and rubs the blood off Leon's lip with his thumb "Now your face is Un-Targeted. Now get the hell up idiot" Clyde stands up

Leon and John sits there in shock. John looks back and forth between Leon and Clyde and his shock face turns into a smug grin as he thinks to himself oh... I know what's going on here

Word count 432

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