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next day.

After the all night at the club, the girls was beyond drunk except Kelani but she wasn't sober enough to drive home.

So key had got them an uber and paid for them to stay at an hotel for the night until they got theirselves together.

They actually enjoyed their night at the club with Key. He was real cool him and his friends.

Everybody ended up taking hella pictures together and followed each other on instagram, saying they would link up real soon.

Kelani alarm had went off waking up all three of the girls.

"Bitch cut that off." Skylar said as she grabbed a pillow and put it on top of her ear, to quiet the noise down.

Kelani moved in her sleep before tapping the side table to feel for her phone. Once she felt it to opened her eyes and checked the time.

"Oh shit it's 11." She jumped out the bed before calling room service to bring a couple of toothbrushes and toothpaste.

"My head is fucking killing me." Jay held her head as she sat up in bed.

"Here." Keke reached in her purse and grabbed some pain pills giving both of the girls two a piece.

"We had a time last nightttt." Jay said while Keke laughed shaking her head.

"Do y'all even remember getting here?" She asked them and they nodded.

"Yesss and we gotta link with them again they was cool as fuck. " Skylar said. The girls always wanted a couple of guy friends and was glad they finally met a few that was cool and not tryna talk to them in that type way.

"Right we ain't even gone deny the fact that key got a thing for you sis." Jay said as Kelani looked at her with a confused look.

"What you mean? We hardly talk lastnight well we did but it wasn't nothing like that." She brushed it off. Her and Key actually talked the whole night about anything and everything. It was crazy honestly you would have thought they known each other for years.

She couldn't deny that she did find him attractive tho, but she really didn't like dealing with rappers or famous people in general. Cause shaderoom was gone be on it and drag the whole situation, in the wrong way and she didn't need that right now.

"It wasn't nothing like that don't drag it now." She chuckled then looked down at her phone. Seeing a lot of orders being placed. She was going straight to the shop after she stop at home first then make sure she had everything.

They heard an knock on the door, so keke went to open the door. The housekeeper brought the toothbrushes and toothpaste along with some towels and a couple of more things.

"Oh my fucking gosh look at my lace. It's hanging by a thread literally." Skylar said as she pulled on the wig with a pout on her face.

She was about to cry cause she loved that wig so much. She picked up her phone and dialed an number and held the phone up to her ear.

"Baby can you come get me please, my hair
looks an mess and i'm about to cry. I got so drunk last night." Keke just shook her head as she listened to her sister talk to her boyfriend.

They were most definitely sisters cause both of them were so spoiled but didn't care not one bit.

"Okay bye love you." She hung up the phone then let out a squeal. "my man coming to get me." She said with a big smile on her face.

"Can he take us to Jay's house?" Keke asked as Sky nodded.

They all washed their faces and brushed their teeth as they waited for skylar's boyfriend to arrive.

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