The Rulebook

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How to Survive a Supervillain Attack Rulebook:

When you see a fight, danger, and/or a surplus of police cars, walk/run (depending on the level of danger) in the opposite direction. You won't miss the action (the news gets everything) and, anyway, your life is more important.

Don't attract unnecessary attention to yourself. (i.e. separating from the crowd, screaming, yelling, and/or "helping" the heroes.)

How To Determine if your Action is Necessary

(Is someone in danger?)

                                                         Yes                                                                                              No

(Will this person be able to get out of danger without you?)                           (Don't do it.)

                       Yes                                                                                                     No

(Don't make one target two.)      (Will your action impede the hero's work and/or help the villain?)

                       Yes                                                                                                    No

(This should be obvious.)                                                (Are you able to help?)

                    Yes                                                                                                 No

(Ok... do it if you must.)                                                    (Let the heroes handle it.)

If the hero/es are negotiating with the villain, don't hurl insults or fruits or knives or harm in any physical or emotional way at the villain (Your action could ruin any hope of negotiation.).

Don't tell your name to the hero/es or villains. If you have to, use a fake name. If they know who you are, you have a target on your back.

If you live in supervillain-rich territory, move. Try not to be on the streets in these areas too often and avoid buildings with large glass windows.

Don't rant about how a hero saved your life. Some villains hate that stuff.

Be kind to people. You never know which everyday person could be the hero you admire or the next villain/supervillain.

Don't tell anyone you know the secret identities of our heroes. Best case scenario, they don't believe you. I hope I don't have to go into the worst-case scenarios.

When in doubt, MOVE AWAY.

If a hero is in a fight, don't try to have a conversation with them. They are celebrities, but they also have a world-saving job to do.

Listen to the hero/es' orders. They know what they're doing (at least better than the average citizen).

Walking is usually safer than taking a car/bus/taxi. Biking is an underrated speedy mode of travel that keeps you away from car-smashing villains (and is easier to escape if it breaks) (and is environmentally friendly).

Stay fit. Who knows when you'll have to escape from the next catastrophe?

Try not to freak out (If you find yourself continually stressed, meditation/therapy/talking to a friend can really help.).

Stay educated about villain activity near you. If you can avoid the fight before it happens, you're in the clear.

Support your local heroes (No, not during a fight) (Unless the hero looks like they are giving up). Make posters, convince naysayers, tell the police of any suspicious activities, and just generally be positive: the heroes shouldn't have to carry all of the hope.

If a villain tries to use you as a hostage, look for ways to escape. If none present themselves, look as unthreatening as possible (Do not try to escape if the villain in question is known to kill at the slightest offense.).

If you invent a world-changing device, put lots of security on it and ensure you are not publicly hailed as its inventor.

If you acquire superhero powers, call the police and explain your situation before going out in public where people will automatically assume you are a threat. If you want to become a hero, notify the heroes before trying to save people.

If you have come face-to-face with a villain who is likely to remember your face, acquire a new name and identity ASAP. Or cut/dye your hair, add extreme make-up to your face, wear a hoodie, and/or never be alone.

If you see something suspicious/out of the ordinary/a supervillain, and the heroes aren't already at the scene, call the police. Either they or the listening heroes will deal with the situation.

Know Your Heroes:

The Hacker: 

The leader of the Gladiators. Black hair tied into a braid and electric blue eyes.

Superhero Name: Electronica

Power: Technopath.

Gender: Female

The Scout: 

Second in command of the Gladiators. Short, spikey dark hair. Brown eyes.

Superhero Name: Lucifugus

Power: Shadow teleportation

Gender: Male

The Protector:

Third in command of the Gladiators. Short, red hair. Unknown eye color (seen to be both green and brown).

Superhero Name: Tutrix

Power: Solar-powered shields.

Gender: Non-binary

The Tank:

Unknown hair color (speculated bald). Hazel brown eyes. Mute.

Superhero Name: Autocurrus

Power: Burning hands that cause molten metal to spread on any warm-blooded creature.

Gender: Female

The Animator:

 Blond. Green-yellow eyes. Gay.

Superhero Name: Animus-Dator (Ani)

Power: Animates objects.

Gender: Male 

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