An end of an era

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Jasper's pov

As I sat, I watched my phone ring. I was in the biggest predicament of my life, my decisions, my demons, my past, they all haunted me, they haunt me now, old friends are enemies, old friends are dead, my decisions affect my family.....

So I'm going to end this once and for all, then what happens to me, I don't care, as long as there is a world safe, for Rose and for Kayla. 

I record this message to this those who hate me, let me complete this, spend a few months with my family, then I will gladly.. let you end my life. Allow me to perfect everything, protect and prepare my wife and daughter for such a day... My life after does not matter. 

I did everything I wanted. I'm going to fight, fight for freedom. 

There's been an arrangement, a war for 6 days, and on the 6th day, this war will come to a close, all I have to do is fight for their freedom. 

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