A night to ourselves

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"She's asleep." I smiled and we went to our room. "Is everything okay?" I sighed and put my gun down. "Stop acting the soldier. Kiss me." I sighed and pulled her closer, giving her a kiss, I pulled off my shirt and she did the same, we fell back on the bed, her kiss jolted me and I hoisted her up on my waist. I sighed and kissed her time and time again. "Just kissing, I'm not in the mood, tonight." I nodded and kissed her over and over. 

That night, we stayed up, wrapped up in each other's arms. "Mommy." We shot up in bed and saw Kayla holding Bun Bun. "What's wrong, baby?" Rose asked as Kayla ran in. "Oh baby." Rose said cuddling Kayla close. "Nightmare." "Oh yeah." "Oh yeah, well mommy has you." She said planting kisses all over Kayla, making that frown turn to laughter. "Sleep with daddy and mommy hm?" I asked. She nodded. "Here, hold bun bun." Rose said. I smiled and Rose kissed Kayla's head. 

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