Life has changed

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3 weeks later

Everything was fine. We were living in the suburban, I was still in the office, I was with Rose..... "Kayla Janice Kosuga! You will be late for school if you do not wake up!" I groaned and kept my eyes closed. I heard sighing and saw my girlfriend looking at me in a nightgown. "Babe, wake up." I smiled and kissed her lightly. "You know it's a change.... you were sleeping in a chair before. Now we're in bed, together." I smiled and Kayla came in. "I'm ready mommy." "Good. Go, go, time for breakfast." Rose ushered. Kayla ran to the table and I sighed. I felt arms wrap around me and turned to see my lovely girlfriend. I ran kisses down her neck. "Babe, I love these kisses and I love this domestic, soft side of you but, PLEASE, we have a daughter downstairs." She said. I sighed. "Kayla, it's time." "Okay, bye daddy." She said running past and going to the garage, with Rose following suite. "When I drop her off, I'll come straight home and yes, I have my button.... I love you." She said, dropping a small peck on my lips and turning to open her car door. I sighed and waved to my daughter, who waved back. "Quite the family." I turned and saw Rachel. "What is it?" "I just want to..... let you know about a small thing... my cousin's wedding is next week." "Congrats Tina." I said. "You and your family can come." She said. "You deserve some time away. You in a suit, Rose in a dress and Kayla in a small dress, you three at Irvington.... time away from everything." I sighed. 

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