Robert Flag

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Jasper's pov

"Robert Flag, born in 1992, professional football player, part time asshole." I said as a picture of him showed. "He served two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan before moving to JSOC, until he was deemed medically and mentally unstable. Sent to the VA where he kicked off and killed a registration desk lady, a doctor and two patients..." "Fucking hell. Tim Bennett just handed guns to an unstable psychopath." "How did he land with you in Afghanistan?" I shrugged. "I hand picked him." I said. At that, everyone turned to me. "What?" "I needed help. Robert came to me looking for work." I sighed and looked at Robert's picture. "Well congrats, Agent, we found our shooter and surprise, he's your creation." I sighed and looked at his photo. "Rob, what did you do?" I whispered to myself. 

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