Chapter 9

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Rain was thudding hard against the window panes when Althea awoke the next morning. In the distance she could hear the rumble of thunder as lightning struck down from the sky. Judging by the time in between the flashes of light and the rumbles, it sounded like the eye of the storm was mere kilometres from the institution.

Althea ran herself a hot bath in her bathing chamber, and sank in after adding some lavender and cardamom oils. The water stung at first but as she grew used to it, it eased her.

When she was done washing her body and hair with a soap she'd picked up from Florence, the institution's chandler, she dried off and changed into her fitted training garbs.

Althea had expected to meet her new trainer in the dining hall, however, as she ate breakfast with the others, no one approached her.

The rain had let up from the downpour it had been at when she'd awoken. But she still assumed they would meet in the large, empty ballroom where she had met with Monique whenever it was wet outside.

After breakfast, Althea made her way to the ballroom, but discovered it empty. She waited for a while, presuming that her trainer must still be in the dining hall. But after the clock chimed nine o'clock, signalling she had been waiting an hour, she knew there must have been some mistake. The sun crept slowly from behind the dark storm clouds, and through the stained glass windows of the ballroom, creating a rainbow of hues on the wooden floor.

She decided to check outside, just in case her trainer may be out there, though Althea was doubtful. Maybe Monique had gotten the day wrong... perhaps her new trainer hadn't arrived when she'd thought.

When Althea opened the door to the outside, the thick, humid air instantly dampened her dry skin. It was far warmer than the air inside of the institution. Already she could feel her nicely cleaned curls beginning to expand from her head with the humidity.

With a huff she walked the distance to the place where she and Monique had met daily to train. Sure enough, beneath the large, shady tree, she could make out a figure sitting against it. Now she felt silly for her late arrival. She hoped they'd understand when she told th—

Suddenly the person stood up and she realised it was a man beneath the tree, not a woman. Cocking her head in confusion, she continued walking towards him. His features were dark, and between the broad shoulders and the large biceps squeezing through his tight tunic, she found herself a bit wary of him from his size alone.

"Hi... um I was looking for my new trainer, have you—"

"Althea?" he asked, his voice deep and rough. She swallowed. This couldn't be him right? She had not been expecting a male trainer. Especially after everything she'd told Monique of her past, she had assumed the board would have picked someone... well, less intimidating. His eyes scanned her face before narrowing.

"Well, is that you?" he asked, sounding impatient. She hadn't even realised she'd been silent for passing seconds.

"Yes, sorry I—"

"You're late." He turned from her, his voice seething with unamusement.

"My apologies, it's just we normally meet inside when the weather is—"

"Now that you will be meeting with me, we will meet outside, regardless of the weather." His voice was curt. He had an accent like that of the Persian dancers her father had brought to the winter solstice ball when she was thirteen.

She sighed, wishing he would stop interrupting her.

"Understood," she said just as sharply, gathering her hands behind her back and cracking a knuckle to keep from saying something out of line.

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