.Chapter 3.

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Elaine's Pov

The overly clingy girl had the audacity to call him "JUNNIE." It was like a lightning bolt from the past, striking a chord deep within my soul.

My head began to throb, and a dizzying sensation overcame me.

Ever since the breakup, insomnia had been my unwelcome companion, a secret hidden beneath layers of makeup.

Summoning all my strength, I took a deep breath and said 'hey' with a cool facade. But as I glanced at him, I saw a maelstrom of emotions in his eyes. Worry, sadness, and a hint of pity, emotions I certainly didn't want nor need.

I clenched my fists, wondering if he believed I wasn't over him. Well, I wasn't entirely, but I was trying my damnedest.

Chills ran down my spine, and I began to tremble. Li Jun, ever the gentleman, reached out to check my forehead, and I erupted in anger, screaming at him, "Don't touch me!" In that moment, I fainted, creating a scene that would undoubtedly become tomorrow's headline.

And so, I descended into a dark abyss, consumed by the tumultuous whirlwind of emotions and memories........................................................................................................................................................

I blinked, feeling a rush of confusion as I woke up in the sterile hospital room. Sitting beside my bed was not Li Jun but Lila , Li Jun 's ex who was forced to date him ,had transformed herself into a renowned fashion designer. Her outfit exuded elegance, and I couldn't help but admire her style.

"Lila " I stammered in disbelief. "What are you doing here?"

She greeted me with a warm smile, her voice filled with genuine concern. "Elaine, I heard about your accident when I arrived at the venue and wanted to make sure you were okay."

I was taken aback by her unexpected visit. "Thank you, Lila I appreciate your concern it feels good to be recognized." I joked and we bursted into fits of laughter

Just as I was processing the surreal nature of the situation, the door swung open, and in walked Rose, best friend and Mimi entered. They were carrying a bouquet of fresh flowers and Rosé wore her characteristic mischievous grin.

"Elaine! You really know how to make an entrance!" Rose joked,

Whiles Mimi placed the flowers on the bedside table.

I mustered a weak smile. "You know me, Rose, always the drama queen.

"As we continued to chat and reconnect, I learned that Lila and Rose had become close friends over the years.

In a twist of fate, Lila Li and Jungkook were now dating and guess what his parents approved with her being a designer, Amid the laughter and stories, my mind couldn't help but wander to Li Jun.

I wondered if he had heard about my accident and whether he was concerned for my well-being well I don't he would with how I screamed at him and broke his heart . A whirlwind of mixed emotions filled me as I contemplated the prospect of seeing him again, even as I yearned for him I knew it was not reality but desires which would eventually die with time.

"Guess what my dad said we are spending Christmas and new year in London' Rosé announced

"That means more time for you to reconcile and marry my brother" She screamed

And everyone else.


"Exactly" a familiar hot raspy voice spoke we all turned our heads to the door to see Li Jun with an annoyed look with a bouquet of white roses.

Damn what the hell, WTF why is life and Karma cruel I thought with flushed embarrassed cheeks.

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