Side kicks

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Li Jun's Perspective:

"Thanks again, Daddy. I can't wait for her to be here," Rose expressed her gratitude, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"You're welcome," the King replied with a warm smile. My sister, Rose, had requested that the King invite Elaine, a rising celebrity. Elaine was an intriguing figure - possessing striking features with straight brown hair, cute brown eyes, and a remarkable talent for rap. However, there was a challenge she faced, her complexion. Not that I hold any prejudice, but some of my prince friends had a habit of playing pranks, especially Prince Jungkook. As I lounged on the couch, I couldn't help but wonder what antics Jungkook had in mind for me this time.

"Dad, when will she come?" Rose inquired eagerly.

"At 3, dear, but it's already 3:05 pm. She should be here soon," assured the King.

As I observed the approaching limousine, Rose's excitement couldn't be contained. She dashed outside, leaving me to my thoughts. However, my contemplation was interrupted when the King dropped unexpected news.

"Jun, Princess Lila is visiting you today," he declared.

"Yes, your Majesty," I replied, concealing my reluctance. Truth be told, I wasn't particularly fond of her.

Upstairs, I could hear the laughter and chatter of Jungkook and his companions. Suddenly, my phone chimed with a message from Jungkook.

Jungkook: Hey, could you do me a favor?

Jun: Yeah, anything.

Jungkook: Promise you will do it.

Jun: Yeah.

Jungkook: Okay, only for today, try to get on Elaine's bad side, the new girl. I need to record it and show it to the elite group.

Jun: Seriously?

Jungkook: Do it; you promised, only for today.

Jun: Kk.

I cursed under my breath. I couldn't believe Jungkook had tricked me into this, but I had made a promise. With reluctant determination, I joined Rose outside and met a girl who looked exactly my age. This had to be Elaine, though her brown hair was styled in an afro, suggesting that the straight hair was probably a wig. She was about to address Rose without the 'Princess' title, and I couldn't resist correcting her, which seemed to irk her. Rose tried to shift the conversation towards introducing me, and I noticed Jungkook secretly recording from behind the hedges.

"This is my brother, Li Jun," Rose introduced.

"Prince Li Jun," I corrected her with a sly grin. She appeared both annoyed and adorable as her eyes scanned me, sizing me up.

"Done admiring?" I teased, making her visibly uncomfortable. Rose then asked me to show Elaine around, and I happily agreed. A message from Jungkook reminded me to treat her poorly today.

As I guided her through the palace, she noticed a framed baby picture of mine hanging on the wall. I couldn't understand why my grandmother wouldn't allow me to take it down. Elaine giggled, and the sound was enchanting. I nearly laughed with her, but instead, something offensive slipped from my lips.

"Don't you dare, filthy porcupine," I blurted out unintentionally. I received a message from Jungkook praising my performance, but looking at Elaine's face, it was clear she was angry.

"Filthy porcupine? Just because I'm black and have afro curly hair doesn't give you the right to call me that," she retorted with justified indignation.

Lila then arrived, giving me a hug and greeting Elaine. Rather than calming the situation, she warned Elaine to stay away from me. I could hear Elaine muttering something under her breath as she headed to the guest room where she would be staying. Maybe I could apologize to her later, but for now, I decided to join Jungkook and the others upstairs. I couldn't help but wonder how Elaine felt about all of this. Call me a jerk, but we had been each other's sidekicks.

Hello, everyone! Thank you for giving my book a chance. I'm eager to hear your thoughts and opinions. Now, I have a few questions for you:

Jun has explained it, but was it really Jungkook's fault? Do you think he's to blame?

Does Jun genuinely have feelings for Elaine?

Will they eventually apologize and become friends?

Is Rose up to something? What's your take on her actions?

Thank you for your support and feedback!

Word Count: 678

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