02- Believe

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So, you guys seem to like it so far aha.


There was something scurrying around on the floor above him, setting him off and making him jump slightly. A gust of wind ran through the house, slamming the door shut loudly, making Niall stumble backwards into it. It had seemingly come from nowhere, startling the young lad. His back was pressed tightly against the aging wood, a few splitting pieces digging into the exposed skin. Goosebumps present on his pale skin.

Carefully, Niall stepped away from the door, tugging a rip in the sleeve of his shirt that was caught on something. Rubbing a hand up his arm he looked around the room in a bit of what could almost be considered awe. It was more kept than he would have thought it to be, a thin layer of dust on a few things. There was dirt on the floor, probably blown in with the wind, tracks and markings imprinted in it. The curtains that were drawn closed when he looked in where now slightly open, revealing a sliver that allowed the moon to peek in.

It was eerie, creepy and dirty yet clean, cleaner than Niall had anticipated it to be. A low growl echoed through the room, shivers racing up Niall's spine, the hairs on the back of his neck and arms standing tall. It sounded so close to him, so deadly and full of malice. Niall thinks that maybe it's a stray dog taking shelter, it can't possibly be a real monster because monsters aren't real. It was difficult for him to wrap his head around the fact that monsters were a possibility.

He freezes for a second, eyes racing over every corner to make sure he was alone. He was, in the room he was in at least, the house filled with something unexpected and unplanned for. Something Niall never expected.

Niall decided that staying in that room would be his best bet, it would be safer if he didn't go towards the growl or the scampering. He figured that if he didn't disturb whatever animal was taking residence in the home, then it wouldn't pay him any mind, and would hopefully not attack him. He stayed by the window, slowly peeling back the curtains to allow light into the dark house.

It wasn't much, but it was enough to cast a dim light into the whole room, and allow Niall to see well. Another breeze passed through from somewhere further into the house, causing a shiver to race through Niall again. He searches through his bag for his jumper, quickly pulling it on before he zips up his bag again and takes a cautionary seat on the floor right under the window. He puts his guitar in his lap, strumming a few cords and humming before another growl makes him freeze. It's closer now, and Niall thinks that maybe his strumming may cause the animal to grow annoyed at him, or possibly search him out as a late night meal.

Niall soon realized that this would be a very long and boring night, but he didn't exactly know what was to come.

Footsteps sounded above him, sounding very human-like to him, confusing him. He stood up from his position, taking a cautious step forward as the footsteps grew nearer. A small thud sounded from the bottom of the stairs causing Niall to freeze with his eyes trained on the archway that lead further into the house. Slow and steady steps came closer and closer, Niall's heart racing and palms sweating with how nervous he was about this stranger.

Stunning green eyes were the first things he saw, practically glowing in the dark, the rest of the person immersed in the darkness. The eyes seemed to pierce his soul, looking into him, seeing his fears and his mistakes, sending a shiver down his body. The man took a step forward, his leg illuminated by the moon light, and soon so was the rest of him.

Niall gasped, stepping backwards quickly and tripping over his bag, falling backward. He let out a grunt, but scrambled backwards away from the man, the thing, mouth agape and eyes wide. His heart was racing, and not once did he think that this could be his mates messing with him. It was all too real.

The man had stunning green eyes, and a face horribly distorted. He looked as if he was mauled by a beast. Curly hair fell over his forehead, head cocked to the side. He was long and lanky, his whole body marked up and scared- from what Niall could see. He had retractable claws coming from his fingers, and when the man opened his mouth a set of sharp teeth met Niall. The man said nothing, he didn't even move, but terror had struck the faux blonde.

For the first time, he believed monsters existed.


I'm sorry it's taken so long for an update. I love you all.

[30 comments for an update?]

Val xx

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