#26 : Unrequited Love

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Xiao Wei found herself face-to-face with Sang Guo on the battlefield. As they clashed swords, their skills were evenly matched. Sweat dripped down her brow, mixing with the dirt and blood on her face. Xiao Wei's heart pounded in her chest as she fought with all her might, determined to defeat Sang Guo and ensure Xing Chen's safety.

With each strike, Xiao Wei could feel the weight of her love and the life growing within her. She knew that victory meant not only protecting her family but also securing a future where they could live in peace and happiness. As the battle raged on, Xiao Wei's determination grew stronger, pushing her to surpass her limits and fight with unwavering resolve.

Amidst the chaos and clashing of swords, Xiao Wei's selfless act unfolded like a tragic dance of fate. Time seemed to hang suspended as Sang Guo's deadly blade descended, threatening to end Xing Chen's life. In that critical moment, Xiao Wei sprang forward with a fearless resolve, her body moving with incredible speed and determination.

The blade tore through the air, finding its mark in Xiao Wei's abdomen. Her agonising cry filled the battlefield, and the blade's sharp tip was tainted with the mingled blood of mother and unborn child. The ground seemed to tremble beneath her as she staggered, her face contorted with pain. Blood stained her lips as she fell to the unforgiving concrete floor, her world tilting and fading.

Sang Guo, the one who had struck the blow, felt a tear roll down her cheek. She had stabbed the closest thing she had to a sister, her dearest friend. Helpless and horrified, she watched as Xing Chen rushed to Xiao Wei's side, his trembling hands cradling her wounded body. Panic surged through her as the realisation of what she had done gripped her heart.

Xiao Wei, lying on the cold floor, gazed at Sang Guo with empathetic eyes. A soft smile touched her lips, and she struggled to raise her bloodied hand to cup Xing Chen's cheek. "Xing Chen," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I'm sorry for everything. I love you."

Tears streamed down Xing Chen's face uncontrollably as her words resonated in his heart. It was the first time she had confessed her love so openly with words. Desperation filled his voice as he begged her to stay. "I love you too, Wei Wei. Please stay with me."

She mustered another feeble smile at the affectionate nickname he had given her. With a last glance into his eyes, she closed her own, her grip on his cheek slowly relaxing. Xing Chen held her even tighter, his world shattering as he whispered her name, refusing to let her go as his consciousness began to fade.

As the night sky was painted with the soft, ethereal glow of lanterns floating above, one of the lanterns broke free from its tether, descending gracefully like a falling star. It drifted down, casting a gentle light on the battlefield, where the aftermath of the fierce conflict had left the landscape strewn with fallen soldiers and debris.

The lantern continued its descent until it landed softly, but with an eerie precision, on the motionless body of Xing Chen. The delicate paper and silk material of the lantern crumpled around him, its flame flickering gently.

For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath. The lantern's warm light played upon Xing Chen's unconscious face, its soft glow illuminating the features of a man who had endured the trials of war and the agony of losing a loved one.

Xing Chen stirred, his eyelids fluttering open. He felt the warmth of the lantern's light on his skin and the soft rustling of the paper against his body. The first thing he saw was the lantern, its intricate design, and the flame dancing inside it. It was a sight that would have been serene if not for the grim circumstances surrounding him.

With a groan, he slowly pushed himself into a sitting position, his body aching from the battle. He examines Xiao Wei's corpse, which is still lying in his arms. Tears started to well up in his eyes as he screamed out her name in sorrow, his painful shrieks that echoed through the city, yet no one heard them.

He stood up from his position, gently laying Xiao Wei's head on the floor, as he called out a few names, expecting the people to show up. However, in response, no one was seen. Xing Chen panicked, realising he had lost everything—his town, his friends, his palace, and most importantly, his one and only lover—and now he was the only one alive in the Yue dynasty that was now ruled by the Tang. His love remained an unrequited wish, a silent longing in the hearts of two souls forever bound by destiny.

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