#3 : Crimson Lotus Tavern

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The night hung heavy over the bustling streets of the city as Xiao Wei moved stealthily through the labyrinthine alleyways towards the infamous Crimson Lotus Tavern. Her footsteps were soundless, her senses sharp, and the weight of her deception pressed upon her like a leaden cloak. She had lied to Emperor Xing Chen about the dangerous connection she had uncovered, and now she was determined to unveil the truth on her own without exposing him to peril.

Unbeknownst to Xiao Wei, Xing Chen had grown increasingly suspicious of her actions. He had sensed the unspoken tension between them and believed she was concealing something vital. Unable to ignore his gut feeling, he had decided to shadow her discreetly, wanting to understand where her clandestine path would lead.

As Xiao Wei reached the entrance to the Crimson Lotus Tavern, her heart raced with anticipation. She knew that this place was a hub for illicit activities, and the murderer's trail had led her here. With each step, she delved deeper into the heart of the city's underworld, where danger loomed around every corner.

Inside the dimly lit tavern, the air was thick with the scent of incense and the low murmur of covert conversations. Xiao Wei blended seamlessly into the shadows, her eyes scanning the faces in the room, searching for any sign of the dangerous individual mentioned by the shopkeeper.

Xing Chen, concealed in the murky corners of the establishment, observed Xiao Wei's every move. He had tailed her through the winding streets, driven by an insistent suspicion that she was concealing critical information. As he watched her interactions with the tavern's patrons, a sense of unease settled in his chest.

Shortly thereafter, Xiao Wei's discerning gaze fell upon a figure who matched the description given by the shopkeeper. It was Zheng, the man who had purchased the leaf oil. Xiao Wei's heart quickened as she cautiously approached him, hoping to glean more information about his involvement in the murder.

Just as she began her conversation with Zheng, Xing Chen chose to reveal himself to Xiao Wei. His voice was taut with accusation as he confronted her. "Xiao Wei, what is the meaning of this?"

Taken aback by the emperor's sudden appearance, Xiao Wei struggled to maintain her composure. She knew that her deception had been uncovered, and the consequences were severe. However, she couldn't reveal the truth now, not with Zheng and his perilous connections so near.

"I am following a lead, Your Majesty," she replied, her voice resolute but her eyes avoiding his piercing gaze. "I believed it could assist us in resolving the murder case."

Xing Chen's anger surged, and he didn't hold back. "You lied to me, Xiao Wei. You concealed vital information about this case, and now I find you here, in the midst of danger. Who are you truly working for?"

Xiao Wei's determination solidified, and she met Xing Chen's accusatory stare with defiance. "I work for the truth, Your Majesty. I could not risk your safety by involving you in this perilous investigation."

Xing Chen's anger burned like a fierce wildfire, his voice laced with bitterness and disappointment. He couldn't believe that Xiao Wei had kept such crucial information from him. His trust in her had been unwavering, and now it lay shattered at his feet.

"Pathetic," Xing Chen spat, his eyes ablaze with fury. "A sword wielder's job is to protect the nation and the monarch. They need to be honest with me, yet you lied!"

Xiao Wei, her resolve unbroken despite the harsh accusation, met his anger with a steely gaze. "I did it to protect you, Your Majesty. I believed that the danger was too great, and I couldn't risk your safety."

Xing Chen's jaw clenched, his fists trembling with barely contained rage. "Protect me?" he scoffed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You thought that I, the emperor, needed protection from the truth? You underestimated me, Xiao Wei."

Their confrontation had drawn the attention of the tavern's patrons, who watched with a mixture of curiosity and unease as the once-united duo now stood at odds.

Xiao Wei's voice remained resolute as she defended her actions. "I did what I believed was right, Your Majesty. I was trying to ensure that justice would be served."

Xing Chen's anger flared even brighter, and he took a step closer to her, their faces mere inches apart. "Justice?" he spat, his voice a low, seething growl. "You've jeopardised the entire investigation with your lies. You've made a mockery of justice."

Their heated exchange continued, with each word a dagger in their already strained relationship. The bond they had once shared, built on trust and camaraderie, was now fractured beyond repair.

"You are no longer my ally, Xiao Wei," Xing Chen declared, his voice filled with finality. "You have betrayed my trust, and I will not forget it."

Xiao Wei's gaze remained unwavering, her own disappointment and frustration evident in her eyes. "If that's how you feel, Your Majesty, then so be it. I will continue to pursue the truth on my own."

With that, she turned away from him and resumed her investigation, leaving Xing Chen standing in the tavern, his heart heavy with the weight of their shattered alliance. As they walked their separate paths, the once-unbreakable bond between the sword-wielder and the emperor disintegrated into a chasm of bitterness and mistrust.

Only one day had passed, and the monarch had already stopped having confidence in and respect for Xiao Wei. The rift between Xing Chen and Xiao Wei hung heavy in the air as they went their separate ways, their once-unshakable bond fractured by mistrust and anger. Each step they took away from each other seemed to widen the chasm between them.

Meanwhile, in the imperial palace, Xing Chen's younger brother, Xing Yi, approached him with an announcement that would momentarily divert his thoughts from the tumultuous encounter at the Crimson Lotus Tavern. Xing Yi, a quiet and studious young man, had always been Xing Chen's confidant.

"Brother," Xing Yi began, "I have news. Mother has arranged for twelve bride candidates to visit tomorrow. He believes it's time for you to consider marriage and secure the future of our dynasty."

Xing Chen's brow furrowed at the unexpected revelation. He had always been dedicated to his duties as emperor, and the prospect of marriage had never been a priority. Nevertheless, he understood the political significance of such a union.

"Twelve candidates," Xing Chen mused, his mind racing with thoughts of the impending decision. "I will meet them and make my choice, for the sake of our dynasty."

As Xing Yi left his brother's chambers, a wave of apprehension washed over him. He knew that the selection of an empress was a monumental decision and one that would shape the future of the Yue dynasty.

Unbeknownst to both Xing Chen and Xing Yi, Xiao Wei had overheard their conversation. She had been discreetly monitoring the palace grounds, still determined to uncover the truth behind the murder case, despite the rift between her and the emperor. The news of the bride candidates intrigued her, but she couldn't help but wonder if it was merely a distraction from the ongoing investigation.

Xiao Wei's curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to investigate further. She knew that the palace was heavily guarded, but her skills as a swordsman had always allowed her to navigate the most treacherous paths unnoticed.

As night fell, Xiao Wei slipped through the palace's shadows, making her way towards the part of the palace where the bride candidates would be staying. Her movements were swift and silent, a testament to her training and determination.

Upon reaching her destination, she hid in the shadows, watching as the palace servants prepared the chambers for the upcoming guests. The thought of the emperor's potential marriage weighed heavily on her mind, but she knew that she couldn't let her personal feelings interfere with her duty.

Xiao Wei was determined to uncover the truth behind the murder, and she would stop at nothing to bring the elusive culprit to justice, even if it meant infiltrating the palace and navigating the web of secrets that surrounded the imperial family.

As she watched and waited, the palace grounds remained cloaked in darkness, concealing the myriad of secrets that lay within its walls. 

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