#10 : Attack

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In the quiet seclusion of a palace chamber, Xiao Wei and Sang Guo engaged in a candid conversation, discussing their fellow brides-elect, Zhang Sue Ling and Xiao Ling.

Xiao Wei, her expression serious, lowered her voice and began, "Sang Guo, we've managed to secure our positions, but we must remain vigilant. I've noticed that Zhang Sue Ling and Xiao Ling may not be as politically astute as we are. They could become potential obstacles to our mission."

Sang Guo nodded in agreement, her eyes gleaming with determination. "You're right, Xiao Wei. We must keep a close eye on them and ensure that they don't inadvertently disrupt our plans. We need to maintain control over the situation."

"The longer the two siblings are away from us, the easier it will be for us to finish our tasks. Therefore, we must postpone the wedding as much as we can. They could become a problem if they get near us." She received a stern warning from Xiao Wei about the two new candidates they had to deal with.

A blood-curdling scream pierced the silence, echoing through the palace corridors. As they arrived, their worst fears were confirmed—Yue Song Qi, the mother of Emperor Xing Chen, lay before them, bathed in a pool of crimson. Her once-elegant attire was now stained with blood, and she was grievously wounded, the severity of her injuries sending shivers down their spines.

Sang Guo, overcome with concern for the injured matriarch, remained steadfast by Yue Song Qi's side. She did her best to staunch the bleeding and offer whatever comfort she could to the suffering woman. Her gaze darted around the room, searching for any clues or evidence that might shed light on the identity of the assailant.

Meanwhile, Xiao Wei's sharp eyes caught a fleeting glimpse of a figure cloaked in shadow, hastily retreating through an open window. Her instincts kicked into high gear, and she wasted no time giving chase to the mysterious intruder. Her footsteps were swift and soundless as she pursued the enigmatic figure through the dimly lit palace corridors, determined to apprehend them and uncover the truth behind this shocking attack. The palace, once a bastion of tranquillity, had now become a place of chaos and uncertainty, and the mission to protect the royal family and unearth the motive behind the assault had taken on a new urgency.

The figure in black moved with uncanny agility, dodging around corners and vaulting over obstacles with ease. Xiao Wei's martial prowess was unmatched, but she struggled to keep up with the mysterious assailant's evasive manoeuvres.

Their pursuit led them into a spacious courtyard bathed in moonlight. The intruder abruptly turned to face Xiao Wei, the cold glint of a hidden blade flashing in the pale glow. Without a word, they launched a swift and precise attack.

Xiao Wei's instincts kicked in as she deftly parried the assailant's strikes, her blade meeting theirs with a resounding clash. The courtyard became a whirlwind of motion as the two skilled combatants engaged in a deadly dance. The tension in the air was palpable as their blades clashed and sparks flew.

With a lightning-quick manoeuvre, Xiao Wei managed to disarm her opponent, sending the concealed blade clattering to the ground. In the ensuing struggle, she swiftly moved to unmask the figure, determined to unveil the identity of the assailant.

As the hooded mask was torn away, the truth was revealed—it was none other than Yue Hua Xian, a name that sent shockwaves through the palace. A look of astonishment crossed Xiao Wei's face as she recognized the member of the royal family standing before her.

Yue Hua Xian, a relative of Emperor Xing Chen, regarded Xiao Wei with a mix of defiance and desperation. The revelation of his involvement in the attack sent ripples of disbelief through the palace, and the motives behind his actions remained shrouded in mystery.

Before Hua Xian flees into the moonlight, she rapidly stabs the side of Xiao Wei's waist with her emergency dagger. Xiao Wei vomits blood and falls to the ground while panting heavily and having fuzzy eyesight. The guards run to her while yelling for assistance.

Sang Guo, on the other hand, cries out for Xing Tao to come help his stepmother and assist her.

Emperor Xing Chen stood at a crossroads, torn between two compelling responsibilities. His heart ached with concern for his wounded mother, Yue Song Qi, who lay gravely injured, and his beloved fiancée, Xiao Wei, who had been attacked while trying to protect the palace. The weight of his decision bore heavily upon him, and he knew that whichever choice he made would have far-reaching consequences.

Finally making a choice, Xing Chen opts to head straight to his mother. Even though he felt horrible, he made this choice because of his intense hatred for Xiao Wei. Right now, his mother was more essential than any employee's health, so it wasn't like it would make much of a difference. Or did he genuinely feel the effects? He was not in a state of mind to respond to their queries. He rushes his mother to the clinic in a hurry and asks the doctor to try to help her. Sang Guo chests heave up and down, blood stained over her pink hanfu.

"She will lose a lot of blood if we take the sword away, and she could die as a result. However, given that she was stabbed directly in the chest, if we do not remove it, it could harm the heart." The physician clarified. While the doctor did everything in his power to assist the Empress, Xing Yi begged the doctor for his mother's assistance.

"We need another physician to aid Young Lady Xiao Wei!" One of the guards stormed into the clinic, his face blue from fear and trauma caused by the recent events. The physician immediately turned to the guard and nodded in agreement. "You're right, we need all the help we can get. Please, go find another skilled physician and bring her here as soon as possible," he urgently instructed. The guard nodded and rushed out of the clinic, determined to find the additional medical assistance needed for Young Lady Xiao Wei's critical condition. Xing Chen felt guilt wash over him; he could not bear losing two lives at once. 

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