Prologue: The Vow

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The Tang Dynasty, a realm of grandeur and legacy, was steeped in the echoes of history. Its ruler, a beloved and powerful leader, had earned his place in the annals of time. However, beneath the golden palace and the harmonious melodies of prosperity, a shadow lurked – a love affair between the Tang Dynasty's king and the queen of the rival Yue Dynasty.

Tang Xiao Si, a skilled assassin and the trusted confidante of the Tang Dynasty's leader, was summoned to the palace one fateful evening. His heart pounded with anticipation and unease as he stood before the ruler he had served for years.

In a hushed, solemn tone, the leader revealed a heart-wrenching betrayal. Her beloved king, the leader of the Yue dynasty, once the epitome of loyalty, had been cheating on her with another woman. A forbidden love had ignited between them, tearing at the fabric of unity and trust that had held the Tang Dynasty together.

The Tang Dynasty's leader, torn between love and duty, issued a somber decree. She begged Tang Xiao Si to travel to the Yue Dynasty and assassinate their king, the man who had betrayed her. It was a task that went against his very nature, for he was an instrument of the state, a blade that cut through darkness to preserve her homeland's honor. But duty bound him to the woman he served.

With a heavy heart, Tang Xiao Si accepted the mission. He understood the implications and the perilous path he was embarking upon, but he vowed to carry it out with precision, for the love he bore his ruler was as profound as his allegiance to the Tang Dynasty.

His journey to the Yue Dynasty marked the beginning of a tumultuous tale. A tale of love, vengeance, and the birth of a child, Yue Xiao Wei, whose destiny would be forever intertwined with the choices made by her father, Tang Xiao Si, and the leaders of the two great dynasties.

Unrequited LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant