#21 : Unwanted Conflict

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Xiao Wei and Xing Chen were in a private chamber, discussing matters of the court and the upcoming diplomatic events. The atmosphere was serious, and both were deeply engaged in the conversation. Suddenly, a loud slap echoed through the room, making them both turn their heads in surprise.

Ting Sue, unable to contain her jealousy any longer, stormed into the chamber and delivered a stinging slap to Xing Chen's face, leaving a fiery red mark. Her eyes were filled with rage and frustration as she glared at Xing Chen.

Xiao Wei's protective instincts flared, and her anger surged. In one swift motion, she moved between Ting Sue and Xing Chen and struck Ting Sue back with a resounding slap. The room fell silent, the tension almost palpable.

Xiao Wei's voice was firm and resolute as she spoke to Ting Sue, her eyes blazing with fury. "Ting Sue, you will not touch him. Xing Chen is my husband, and I will not tolerate anyone harming him out of jealousy."

Ting Sue, her cheek stinging from the slap, looked at Xiao Wei with defiance but also fear in her eyes. She knew she had crossed a line, and she took a step back.

Ting Sue, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and hurt, couldn't contain herself as she demanded, "Is she more important to you than I am?"

Xing Chen's gaze hardened, his eyes locking onto Xiao Wei's with a resolute intensity. His voice was firm as he replied, "She's my wife, Ting Sue. She's my life partner, my confidante, and my equal. Obviously, she holds a place of utmost importance in my life."

Enraged by Xing Chen's response, Ting Sue raised her voice, practically shouting, "How can you say that? After all these years, did you just throw me aside for her? I won't stand for it!"

Xing Chen's expression grew colder and more determined. He spoke with an unwavering tone: "Ting Sue, your jealousy has clouded your judgement. Xiao Wei is my wife, and she comes first. If you cannot accept that, it's your decision to make. But remember, I won't allow anyone to disrespect or harm her. You need to adjust to this new reality."

Ting Sue seethed in anger, her eyes flashing with frustration, but she had no response that could change Xing Chen's stance. She left the room, leaving the couple behind, with the tension between them hanging heavily in the air.

Xiao Wei turned back to Xing Chen, concern replacing her anger. She gently touched his cheek where Ting Sue's slap had left its mark. "Are you alright?"

Xing Chen nodded, his expression a mix of gratitude and admiration for Xiao Wei. "I am, thanks to you."

Sang Guo paid a visit to Xiao Wei and Emperor Xing Chen. She entered the palace with a sense of excitement, her steps light as she made her way to the royal couple. Xiao Wei and Xing Chen were sitting together, discussing palace matters, when Sang Guo arrived.

"Good day to you both," Sang Guo greeted them with a warm smile, bowing respectfully. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."

Xing Chen waved a hand, welcoming her. "Not at all, Sang Guo. Please have a seat. What brings you here today?"

Sang Guo took a seat gracefully and answered, "I wanted to discuss the upcoming lantern festival, Your Majesty. It's a significant event, and I thought it would be a wonderful opportunity for the people to see the unity and harmony within the palace."

Xiao Wei nodded in agreement. "You're right, Sang Guo. The lantern festival is a perfect occasion to show the people that we stand together as a family."

Sang Guo continued, "I propose that we light lanterns together, symbolising the brightness and hope that our kingdom represents. It would be a beautiful sight, and the people would be deeply moved."

Emperor Xing Chen smiled at the suggestion. "That sounds like an excellent idea, Sang Guo. Let's make it a memorable lantern festival, one that our people will cherish."

Xiao Wei added, "Indeed. We'll work together to make this celebration unforgettable."

As they discussed the details of their plans for the upcoming festival, a sense of unity and camaraderie filled the room, proving that their bond was stronger than ever.

After their meeting with Emperor Xing Chen, Xiao Wei and Sang Guo walked out of the palace together. The cool breeze rustled the leaves around them, and the lanterns were beginning to be hung in preparation for the festival.

Sang Guo turned to Xiao Wei, her expression contemplative. "Xiao Wei," she began, "I've noticed you and the emperor seem quite close lately. Have you fallen in love?"

Xiao Wei looked at Sang Guo, her eyes searching. "Love, Sang Guo, is a complicated thing. But sometimes, it's not about choosing who you love. It just happens."

Sang Guo frowned with concern in her eyes. "Xiao Wei, you can't forget that we are here with a purpose. Falling in love with our enemies can cloud our judgement and make us vulnerable."

Xiao Wei smiled softly. "I understand your concern, Sang Guo. But love isn't always within our control. In fact, haven't you fallen for someone you shouldn't have?" She referred to Sang Guo's affection for Xing Tao.

Sang Guo's gaze wavered for a moment, and she sighed.

Xiao Wei nodded, drawing her lips into a thin line. "We'll stay focused on our goal, Sang Guo, and make sure our love doesn't compromise our mission."

Xiao Wei and Sang Guo happened to overhear Ting Sue talking excitedly to her friends about the upcoming Lantern Festival. Ting Sue's eyes sparkled as she described the romantic tradition.

"People write secret messages to their lovers and release lanterns into the sky together," Ting Sue explained. "It's a way of showcasing their love and devotion. Xing Chen and I will be doing it together, of course."

Xiao Wei exchanged a glance with Sang Guo. The message was clear: Ting Sue intended to use the festival as an opportunity to draw Xing Chen closer to her and push Xiao Wei away.

Sang Guo leaned closer to Xiao Wei and whispered, "This could be a perfect chance for us to blend in and execute our plan. While they're distracted with the lanterns, we can make our move. But we need to be careful not to arouse suspicion."

Xiao Wei nodded in agreement. "Agreed. Let's make the most of this festival, both for our mission and to show them that we won't be easily pushed aside."

As Ting Sue spotted Xiao Wei and Sang Guo, her expression turned sour. She walked up to them, her eyes locked onto Xiao Wei, and her voice was laced with irritation.

"It seems like you have no shame, trying to steal another woman's husband," Ting Sue snarled, her voice filled with disdain.

Xiao Wei's eyes blazed with anger. "I'm not stealing anyone, Ting Sue. I'm here because I was chosen, not by choice."

Ting Sue smirked. "Oh, I know who you both are. You're not from the Yue Dynasty. You're from the Tang Dynasty, and I have a good mind to tell Xing Chen."

"Mind joining your ancestors?" A voice from behind Ting Sue spoke up. Xiao Wei and Sang Guo look behind to see Yue Hua Xian standing with a sharp, shiny dagger held high against Ting Sue's neck.

Ting Sue's face paled, fear replacing her smirk. "Yue Hua Xian, please! Spare me! I didn't mean any harm." Yue Hua Xian's eyes narrowed, her grip on the dagger tightening. "You will pay for your treachery, Ting Sue. But for now, consider yourself lucky that I have other matters to attend to, but if I see you in this palace again, consider yourself dead." With that, Hua Xian leaves the area. In their imaginations, Xiao Wei and Sang Guo praise her for assisting them. Ting Sue, terrified, chooses to flee the two to avoid further conflict. 

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