#17 : Battling the force of love

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The atmosphere in the room grew increasingly tense as Xing Chen and Xiao Wei started their heated discussion. Xing Chen's earlier anger had given way to a deeper emotion—fear. Fear for Xiao Wei's safety and wellbeing.

"Xiao Wei, listen to me," Xing Chen pleaded, his voice laced with desperation. "I don't care about your reasons or excuses. The fact remains that you're putting yourself in grave danger by associating with a known criminal. What if he hurts you? What if he uses you for his own gain?" Xiao Wei was receiving criticism from Xing Chen for trying to look into the bandit who had earlier attacked them.

Xiao Wei's face twisted in frustration, her hands balling into fists at her sides. "How can you doubt me so easily? I thought you believed in me and trusted me. Yet, the moment things get complicated, you turn on me like a ravenous beast."

Xing Chen took a step back, his eyes widening in shock. "How can you compare me to such a creature? I'm only trying to protect you, Xiao Wei. Can't you see that?"

"Protect me?" Xiao Wei spat out the words. "From what? From whom? Yourself? You're the one who's being irrational, Xing Chen. You're the one who's judging me without evidence, without giving me a chance to explain."

"I want you to just shut up. Your voice is annoying me!" He screamed at her.

"Make me shut up!" Xiao Wei spat back in anger. Xing Chen takes the opportunity as his slender fingers make their way to Xiao Wei's long, swan-like neck, holding on to it in a choking manner. Grabbing her closer to him, their faces were a few inches apart.

"Even if it took a kiss to silence you, would you still let me?" He smirked at her, knowing she'd back off. Xiao Wei, however, was a woman who would never give up. She gets closer to him, leaning forward until their lips are almost touching.

Xiao Wei's eyes flashed with defiance as she stood her ground, her chin tilting upwards in a bold challenge. "I dare you," she whispered, her voice husky with emotion.

Without warning, Xing Chen's lips crashed onto Xiao Wei's, his mouth consuming hers with a fierce passion that left her breathless. His tongue delved deep into her mouth, exploring every corner, his teeth nipping gently at her full lower lip. Xiao Wei's eyes fluttered closed as she felt herself melt into his embrace, her body reacting instinctively to the stimulation.

Xing Chen's hands roamed her neck and shoulders, his fingers tracing patterns on her skin as he held her close. His touch ignited sparks of pleasure that skittered down her spine, making her shiver with delight. Xiao Wei's arms crept upwards, wrapping around Xing Chen's waist as she pulled him deeper into the kiss.

Their lips moved in perfect sync, their tongues dancing together in a rhythmic motion that seemed to pulse with an energy all its own. Xing Chen's kiss was demanding and insistent, and Xiao Wei found herself yielding to his advances, her resistance crumbling beneath the weight of his desire.

As they broke apart, Xiao Wei's face was flushed with embarrassment, and she quickly ran away, her heart racing with confusion and excitement. Xing Chen watched her go, his emotions mixed with frustration and disappointment but also a sense of hope and possibility. The kiss had changed everything, and their relationship was now transformed, full of potential and uncertainty. Both of them had realised something different about how they felt towards each other.

On the other hand, Sang Guo and Xing Tao found themselves alone in the moonlit garden, their eyes locked with intensity. The air was thick with anticipation as their hands brushed against each other's, sending shivers down their spines. Unable to resist any longer, Sang Guo leaned in, her lips meeting Xing Tao's in a passionate embrace. In that moment, time stood still as they surrendered to the intoxicating connection between them.

On her walk back, Xiao Wei notices the two sharing a moment and smiles at them while recalling her own experience with the emperor. She walks to her room with Xing Chen clouding her thoughts as she mulls over how to deal with him tomorrow.

The next day, as the sun rose on Xing Chen's late father's birthday, he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. The memories of his father flooded her mind, both happy and sorrowful. Determined to honour his memory, he spent the day preparing his favourite dishes and setting up a small altar in his honour. As the evening approached, friends and family gathered to pay their respects and share stories of his father's life. It was a bittersweet day for Xing Chen, filled with both tears and laughter as they celebrated the man who had meant so much to them all.

It was rumoured that on that particular day, his ghost appeared and caused mayhem. When Xiao Wei hears plates falling in another room, she understands the stories are accurate. The four brides were uneasy despite Xing Chen's assurance that his father had never hurt anybody while raising a commotion. By using Xiao Wei as a shield, Zhang Sue Ling approaches the woman and stands next to her.

A sudden burst of wind is felt before something invisible yet strong and firm comes into contact with Xiao Wei's neck, pushing her back and making her collide with the wall. Suffocating her. Sang Guo rushes to help Xiao Wei out, only to get pushed back by the wind harshly as she falls to the ground painfully. Gasping for air, Xiao Wei desperately tries to free herself from the invisible force that is crushing her throat. Zhang Sue Ling's eyes widen in horror as she realises that something supernatural is at play.

As Xing Tao stopped Sang Guo from going any further, Xiao Wei began to turn blue, and Xing Chen's face turned pale as he tried to think of what to do to save his bride-to-be. The wind howled louder, intensifying the pressure on Xiao Wei's throat. Xing Chen's mind raced, desperately searching for a solution to this dire situation. He frantically scanned his surroundings, hoping to find something that could break the invisible force and save Xiao Wei's life.

Without a second's hesitation, he rushes to Xiao Wei while he makes an effort to push the strong wind away that is getting in the way of his engagement. Xing Chen's heart pounded in his chest as he fought against the powerful gusts, his determination to save Xiao Wei overpowering any fear or doubt. With every ounce of strength he possessed, he reached out for her, his love for her fueling his resolve to defy the odds.

"Father, do not hurt her! She is my wife!" He yelled at the wind as it softened, calming down. Xing Chen hugs Xiao Wei tighter, not letting her go as a tear slips out of his glossy, mesmerising eyes. Xiao Wei choked from the impact the choking had had on her, and as her hanfu felt wet, she realised Xing Chen was shedding tears. He had not let out a single tear all his life, not even at his parents deaths, but Xiao Wei's life in danger had him scared enough to cry out.

Xiao Wei stares into the abyss, with the wind (which was Xing Chen's father spirit) taking advantage of it and pushing Xing Chen away from her. Attacking her again. As the wind spirit becomes visible, Xiao Wei watches in astonishment as it takes the form of Xing Chen's father. In that moment, she realises the true power and protectiveness of their spirits. With tears streaming down his face, Xing Chen fights with an unprecedented determination to keep her safe from harm. The wind spirit uses this opportunity to push him away from Xiao Wei, intensifying its attack on her.

Xiao Wei pulls out her blade, attacking the pale and dull spirit with it. Her strikes are swift and precise, but the wind spirit effortlessly dodges her every move, retaliating with even greater force. Desperate to protect Xing Chen and herself, Xiao Wei taps into her inner strength, channelling her emotions into her attacks and vowing to defeat the spirit no matter what. As Xiao Wei's inner skills awaken, a surge of energy courses through her body, empowering her strikes and giving her the strength to withstand the spirit's onslaught.

With each strike, Xiao Wei's movements become more fluid and her attacks more powerful. She becomes one with her surroundings, harnessing the energy of the earth beneath her feet and the air around her. As she continues to battle, a newfound confidence radiates from within her, fueling her determination to overcome the wind spirit's resistance.

All of a sudden, the spirit disappears from the surface, confusing everyone else. Rushing to Xiao Wei's side, Xing Chen grabs her by the shoulders. All the couples were left traumatised and threatened by the late emperor.

"As long as we manage to survive past midnight, it should be alright. The spirit will return to its origin."  Xing Chen explained, holding Xiao Wei close to him. "Xiao Wei, you stay by my side. In my chamber, alright? Your well-being is very important." He requested that. Xiao Wei nodded as she drew her lips into a thin line.

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