#20 : Grass is my wife

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Xiao Wei was sitting on the grass covered by snow under the cherry blossom tree, surrounded by delicate pink petals that gently floated down and settled on her hair, making her look ethereal. As she played with the long strands of green grass coated by snow, lost in thought, she heard footsteps approaching. She looked up to see Xing Chen walking towards her, a wide smile spreading across his face.

He sat down beside her, his presence radiating warmth and familiarity. Xiao Wei couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest as he leaned in closer, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"These days, Your Majesty has been smiling too much," Xiao Wei taunted, trying to hide her own smile. She loved bantering with Xing Chen, always challenging each other to see who could come up with the wittiest remark.

Xing Chen's smile grew wider as he replied, "Maybe because a specific someone has been making this Majesty feel some type of way." His voice was low and husky, sending a shiver down Xiao Wei's spine. She felt her heart race as she realised he was teasing her again, and she couldn't wait to respond.

Xiao Wei lies down on the white, cold snow, closing her eyes and letting the cool breeze caress her skin. She felt content, happy, and relaxed, knowing that Xing Chen was by her side, watching over her. She opened her eyes to find him admiring her beauty, his gaze lingering on every feature of her face.

"Your Majesty, it is rude to stare," she pouted, feigning annoyance as she switched her attention from the sky to the man sitting beside her.

Xing Chen chuckled and put his elbow on the ground, placing his face in his hand. "Ah, so now I'm not allowed to stare at my own wife?" He flirted, his voice dripping with suggestiveness. Xiao Wei raised an eyebrow at him. "I am talking about my garden and grass, not you." He teased.

Xiao Wei got up from her lying-down position and sat down. "The garden and grass is your wife?" She guffawed.

Xing Chen grinned mischievously. "Well, they do require a lot of attention and care, just like a wife."

Xiao Wei playfully rolled her eyes. "You really have a way with words, don't you?" She says this as she leaves for her chamber. Xing Yi examined the two as he approached his elder brother.

"Do you like her?" He sang while facing his brother while stooping. Xing Chen struggles to speak, stuttering.

"Why do you say that? You're making stuff up." He sputtered out. Xing Yi smiled to himself, giggling at his brother's childish actions. Xing Yi spots Sang Guo walking around the hallways and calls her up to them.

She kneels before the emperor, who is sitting on the grass covered by snow, and turns to face Xing Yi. She is startled to see that he is not grieving the loss of his fiancée and realises that he does not care about the unfortunate people. "How may I help you?" Sang Guo asked.

Xing Chen got up from where he was sitting, his body growing tall. "Who is the best pair in the palace?" Xing Yi inquired.

"Undoubtedly, the Emperor and young lady Xiao Wei." She responded. Xing Chen blushed upon hearing the pairing; he and his wife were undoubtedly admired by the nation. Sang Guo couldn't help but notice Xing Chen's reaction and the pride that radiated from him. She continued, "Their love story is legendary, and their devotion to each other is unmatched." Xing Chen's blush deepened.

Sang Guo looks at the token in her hand and hands it over to the monarch. "A lady has arrived at the palace; she's here to stay over. She claims to be your childhood best friend. She informed. Xing Chen's smile drops, realising his very 'beloved' childhood friend, Yue Ting Sue, had come to visit him.

He rushes off to the drawing room of his palace, encountering Xiao Wei, who was welcoming Ting Sue with meals she had cooked. Ting Sue notices his presence and rushes to hang onto his neck, hugging him tight. Xiao Wei looks at the two with a smile, trying not to showcase the jealousy she feels. Xing Chen gently pushes Ting Sue off him, maintaining distance.

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