#1 : Blade of Legacy

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The blade gleams brilliantly under the warm embrace of sunlight as it emerges from its ornate sheath, casting shimmering reflections that dance upon the finely etched surface. Its hilt, wrapped in supple leather, fits snugly in the palm of the wielder, tracing the elegant curvature of the sword's blade to its formidable tip.

With a soft 'clink,' the sword meets its adversary's weapon, the sound echoing through the serene courtyard, where every petal of the cherry blossoms seems to hold its breath in anticipation. The sharp edge of the blade, honed to perfection, hovers perilously close to the enemy's vulnerable throat, its mere presence exuding an aura of undeniable mastery.

"I apologise for my actions; please let me go," the man pleads fervently, his voice trembling as he kneels in humble submission.

A soft, melodious chuckle escapes the lips of the young lady, her laughter as enchanting as a songbird's melody. She gracefully retracts her blade, sliding it seamlessly back into its intricately adorned sheath. Her voice carries a gentle but commanding tone as she addresses her opponent. "Father, please cease with this dramatic performance; you, after all, are the one who imparted this skill to me."

Now revealed as Yue Xiao Wei, the sword-wielding representative of the illustrious Yue dynasty, she stands as a living testament to her father's legacy. Her porcelain complexion seems even more ethereal in the sunlight, enhanced by her baby hair and side bangs that frame her delicate features. Her long, silky locks cascade like a waterfall down her back, a testament to her natural beauty. A subtle bow on either side of her head holds her hair in place, while the rest flows freely.

The hanfu she adorns is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, woven from the finest materials and dyed in a hue that accentuates the depth of her large, captivating eyes and the natural pink tint of her lips. As she stands there, a vision of grace and poise, it becomes evident why she is celebrated not only for her martial prowess but also for her breathtaking allure.

Before embarking on her journey to the majestic Yue mansion, Xiao Wei, with a tender wave, bids farewell to her parents, her voice laced with a sense of purpose. "Alright, it's time for me to embark on my first day of duty." Her every movement, a symphony of elegance, foretells the greatness she is destined to achieve in a world where the beauty of the blade is matched only by the beauty of its wielder.

Yue Mansion, the magnificent abode of the revered emperor of the Yue dynasty, Yue Xing Chen, stood as a testament to the grandeur of his reign. It was a place where power and elegance coexisted harmoniously.

Emperor Yue Xing Chen's reputation was as illustrious as his palace. Renowned for his endearing nature and unwavering dedication to his duties, he had admirers from all walks of life. Countless opportunities for love had come his way, but the emperor remained resolute, never letting the allure of romance sway him from his responsibilities.

As Yue Xiao Wei, the daughter of a legendary swordsman, entered the presence of the emperor, she carried with her the weight of her family's legacy. "Greetings, your majesty. I am Yue Xiao Wei," she said with a graceful bow, acknowledging her lineage.

The emperor's deep, commanding voice resonated throughout the opulent hall as he welcomed her. "Welcome to the Yue mansion, Yue Xiao Wei. Cheng Jia Jia will be your guide and constant companion. If you encounter any issues, do not hesitate to inform her. Your duties begin tomorrow."

"Greetings, madam, I am Cheng Jia Jia. Please follow me," Jia Jia introduced herself, leading Xiao Wei to her new quarters.

As Xiao Wei settled into her room, the fragrant scent of incense filled the air, soothing her senses. She took a seat on her comfortable bed, turning her attention to Jia Jia. With curiosity in her eyes, she inquired about the mansion's security structure, sensing the unease in Jia Jia's demeanour.

"Don't be alarmed," Xiao Wei reassured her. "I simply wish to understand the security arrangements, as I will be responsible for them from now on."

Jia Jia's initial suspicion melted away, replaced by a relieved smile as she proceeded to explain the intricacies of the mansion's security.

"If you require any assistance, madam, just ring the bell hanging on the door, and the maids will attend to your needs," Jia Jia informed her before departing, leaving Xiao Wei alone in her room.

The sudden solitude weighed on Xiao Wei as her family was away in town, wrapping up their affairs. To lift her spirits, she decided to explore the mansion's garden. There, she was startled by the sound of a swinging sword, instinctively avoiding its path and drawing her own blade in defence. With a clash of steel, their weapons met, and the assailant attempted to strike her down. Xiao Wei, swift and composed, executed her signature move, the 'sword of death,' swiftly trapping her opponent's throat with the blunt side of her cutlass.

"Who are you?" Xiao Wei demanded, her eyes locked on the intruder.

"I should be asking you that," the man retorted. "You're not from the Yue dynasty, as far as I know."

Xiao Wei's eyes widened, and she stammered, "What do you mean?"

"Your sword techniques aren't from the Yue dynasty," he replied.

She explained, "My father taught me these techniques."

"Who's your father?" the man inquired.

Proudly, she declared, "Yue Xiao Si," before she sheathed her blade. The man's demeanour softened as he realised her lineage and apologised for his actions, admitting he was unaware of her identity. Xiao Wei forgave him and allowed him to retreat to his domain before returning to her room for dinner, amused by the man's initial suspicions. In this grand palace of power and secrets, she had already encountered a hint of intrigue on her very first day of duty.

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