1. Those Three

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"Ring-Ring-Ring", the alarm rang. "Ah, What a Drag. Every day, I wake up and do the same thing. I wish I could sleep more." he said. "Wake up, you lazy person!", his mom shouted.
He was Vikram Khedekar. An Extrovert Scientist who was lazy, But he was very ambitious towards his Research and Science. He was a pretty good Singer whose Voice was loved by many.
"Mumma, Is the breakfast ready?"
He asked. "Yeah It is on the dining table" His mom replied. He quickly finished his breakfast and went to his Lab.
"When will he come? We are waiting for 15 minutes" she said. "Sorry Guys, To keep you waiting".
He said to Pavitra and Kadambari.
Pavitra Abhisheki, An Ambivert Psychiatrist used to be worried about her patients as her therapies proved very effective for many people. She also was a brilliant Kathak Dancer.
Kadambari Prajapati, An Intorvert Chartered Accountant who is always busy with her Balance sheets during working hours and when free, she either reads books or Hangout with Vikram and Pavitra as She considers them as her very close and Best Buddies.
"Where were you bhai? We have been waiting for 15 minutes here.", Pavitra said. "I am running a bit late for work. Could you please try to be a bit quicker?" added Kadambari.
"Today I was not in the mood to wake up but had to do that. Just wait two minutes, I will bring my car fast".
"Do it quickly!" said both of them.
He went to the basement and brought his Car. Both of them sat at the back. "Thank God You have a Car Vikram. Else, We don't know, how we would have managed" said Pavitra.
"Yaar Didi, come on, I enjoy it when both of you are there with me. Today just give me a Call after both of you are done, I will come to pick you both up", Vikram said. "Sure," said both.
He dropped both of them to their respective Workplaces and left for his Lab.
But, None of them were aware of the incidents that would change their lives...

To be continued....

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