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2 months later

Angelia pov

" I decided to go ghost for a bit; it's been pretty chill, considering I spend most of my time at my apartment.

I told Letitia I needed some space to process everything that happened. I'm not gonna lie; it's been 2 months. Not gonna lie, I still feel like shit. How can I tell her that, though? She probably thinks I'm fine, considering I've been going outside and doing stuff. So, today, I finally decided to tell her what's been going on.

I met her at her apartment; this feels different. The last time I was here, things didn't go well between us. I stepped in, being met with a warm welcome from Letitia.

" Come on in. I was surprised you agreed to meet here," Letitia said. She was dressed down like me, simple jogging pants and a t-shirt.

" Yeah, but let's go ahead and talk," I replied. I just didn't wanna get cold feet. We sat on her nice red velvet couch, a big gap between us.

" So I wanted to discuss something about my mental state," I whispered. My throat tightened, and I felt tears about to fall.

" I don't feel emotional well. I still can't forget how I almost got killed. It's been haunting me a lot, and I don't want to keep you in the dark anymore," I said. As I spoke, Letitia's expression shifted from casual to concerned, and she listened intently.

Opening up like this was harder than I thought, but as the weight lifted off my shoulders, I continued, delving into the raw emotions and the struggles I faced daily. Letitia remained supportive, offering comfort and understanding as I unraveled the tangled thoughts in my mind.

Letitia looked at me with compassion, breaking the gap between us by reaching out for a reassuring touch.

The revelation hung in the air, and after a moment of absorbing my confession, Letitia spoke softly, "Angelia, I had no idea you were going through this. I'm here for you."

Touched by her genuine concern, I managed a weak smile, appreciating the support.

" You know I always want you to be doing okay," she said a grin.

I chuckled, the heaviness in the room lightening.
" Yeah, I guess I am lucky. But seriously, Letitia, it means a lot that you're here for me."

Our conversation took a turn, blending the serious with the lighthearted as Letitia shared some amusing anecdotes, creating a safe space for me to express my feelings. It was comforting to have someone who cared, not just romantically, but as a true pillar of support in my life.

As we delved deeper into our conversation, I realized that Letitia provided emotional stability and understanding, acting as a sanctuary in the midst of my turmoil.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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