14. the letter and I'm rich

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The next to at malfoy manor
Draco pov:

Me and my parents are talking at the dinner table when sudently theres a rap on the window. I look over to see potters owl on the window stil. - That potters owl what is she here- I told my parents with a sner while getting up to let her in. I open the window and she flys in. I see a lot of letters on her while she givem me one of them. I pick it up and see her flying out to deriver the other letters.
- Can you read it dragon- I nod and are about to open the envelope until I see the seal.
- whats wrong draco- father asks there is the potter seal on it. I said while showing them. I go sit at the table and open the envelope. I slowly start to read whats writen on it.

Draconis lucius malfoy heir to the hause of malfoy

Hello ferret i write this to you to apologize about my behavior and not accepting your aliance and friendship in first year. I was living with my magic hating muggle relatives not to mention I didin't know nothing about the Wizarding World but I can blame bumblefuck for that and lieing to everyone about my home life with is not what you all were told. I'm still asking how did I survive the abuse at the hands of my uncle and his co-workers. Yes I writen abuse if you and your family agread I would like to invite you to Potter manor for futher explanation in a week time.

Hadrianna Selena Flora Potter-Black-Evans Lady of the hauses of Potter, Black, Evans.

I stare at the letter in my hand until my father voice breaks me ot of my shock.
- Draco what's writen on it.- I look to my father and give him the letter. We stare at him while Father reads it. After a while he gives the letter to mother while he things about what to do. After a while mother puts the letter down
- what do you thing dracon- Mother asks me
- well I thing we should accept the ivintetion.
- Alright draco we go because I'm myself interested in what Lady Potter will tell us.- We all nod and continue to eat while the letter is still in our head.

Hadrianna pov:

When finished breakfast and I put the dishes in the dishwasher I go to my bedroom and walk to the desk area. I sit on the chair and take out the chest that Ragnarok gived me from the drawer. I open it and see a few folders. I take them out and close the chest while puting it aside. I pick the first one and see thats about the transactions made from my valuts. I start to read and I become sad at what's writen on in.

1000 galeons-montly-vidraw by A.P.W.B.D. since 2001r. From the main Potter valut
1000 galeons-montly vidraw to the order of the Phoenix since 1998
100 galeons- Montly vidraw conwerted to pounds for The dursley family since 2001
100 galeons- Montly vidraw by Molly Weasley and Ronald Weasley since 2012
1000 galeons- yearly vidraw by Hadrianna Potter since 2012 from the trust valut

All transactions exept for Hadriannas are came from the Potter main valut  and severeal artifacts and books were removed from the valuts

Silent tears start to fall when I finish reading. I put the forder back and take another, This one is about the valuts and what is in them.

The Potter family Valuts:
Valuts: 50, 55, 60, 65, 1583
Value: 98 trilion galeons, 9 milion sickles and 1 milion knucks
 Books, weapons, wands and other things in the valuts
Apothecary - 25%
Borgin and Burkes - 10&

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