eleven. a remedy to cure all ills

Start from the beginning

"I think I have feelings for somebody."


The girl wasn't quite sure how to respond or why out of everyone Arthur would come and tell her that? Either way, it was blatantly obvious that Arthur had feeling's for somebody... that somebody was her dear friend Guinevere. Being an empath had some pros.

Arthur handed back the bucket to her, "Thanks."


He began to walk away but he stopped and turned back around, a finger pointing at her, "You tell anyone about this, I shall have you hanged." He warned.

"Don't worry, sire, I won't tell a soul," She winked at him as she went to open the door she shouted back at him, "Gwen's a lucky girl!"

"But I didn't-" The door cut him off and Arthur was left at the stairs wondering how obvious he was being was his feelings.

THE NEXT MORNING, Teddy had been violently woken up by Merlin, the sorcerer spewing incoherent words about Morgana.

"Merlin!" Teddy grabbed onto the collar of his shirt. "Slow down. What's happened to Morgana?"

"She's... ill...."

And with those words, she was up and out of the room, out of Gaius' chambers, towards the Lady Morgana's room. The apprentice burst into the room, disturbing the two men already inside, as she dipped her head in a bow before she took a seat by the side of Morgana's bed, taking her cold hand.

"Her body seems to have closed down." Gaius continued, placing a hand on the Ward's forehead.

Uther glanced at his ward before he began to question Gaius, "You don't have an answer, do you? Nothing you tried so far has worked. It's been nearly two days, What do you know?" 

Frustration, a deep amount of frustration radiated from Uther but Teddy knew that it was not directed at Gaius.

Teddy began to inspect Morgana herself, as the physician's apprentice, but there were no physical marks on her body, all she felt was stone cold.

"I fear she many have some form of inflammation of the brain." Gaius replied.

The witch looked up at her master, "What would of caused it? Me and Gwen saw her last and she was fine." She asked.

"An infection, possibly. Rest assured, I will do everything in my power to cure her, sire."

The old man gestured for Teddy to come out of the room with him, she took a moment to place a kiss on her hand, before she followed the man down the stairs and Gwen had gently pushed past her to go up the stairs.

"Gaius? Why didn't you tell me Morgana was ill? Is she going to die?" Teddy questioned the old man, moving to Merlin's side and slipping her arm into his.

"I feared of your reaction, Teddy," Gaius sighed out. "But I'm afraid that she might die."

"No, she's not. You're going to cure her." Merlin stepped in.

Gaius rolled his eyes, "Don't you start. I've tried everything."

"I was wondering..."


Teddy knew what Merlin was about to suggest and she brightened up at the idea, this is what magic should be used for. 

"... help?"

Gaius' eyes widened, "If you are suggesting magic?" He whispered harshly as Merlin shrugged.

"Come on, Gaius. I can't just, we, can't let her just die," Teddy's eyes welled up with tears. "Please, Gaius, it's worth a try."

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