When everything was set and done, he took the liberty of cooking the first dinner for the two of you. His cooking skills have evolved even more, now that he has more time on his hands he'll definitely master this skill as well. He prepared the table himself, insisting that he doesn't want you to move a finger tonight.

"I can't get enough of that view. Are we really going to enjoy it every day?" you are amazed.

"Every day that we're here at least. I'm planning on going on vacation with you very often. You know, enjoying retirement and all" he smiles.

"I can't say no to that" you giggle.

The food was amazing and the snacks you had for dessert were one of your favourites. Tony himself picked up the plates and tidied up. Doing everyday household things is really a new sight and you absolutely love it about him.

"Why don't you take in the view for a while until I'm done back there?" he approaches you with a wine glass in his hand.

"Thank you" you say truthfully and accept it.

You look outside the full sized windows, admiring the city lights underneath you. A few months back you told Tony that a penthouse in the centre of the city was your dream and now here you are, on top of the city just like you imagined.

"Are you finding everything alright in there?" he asks loudly all the way from the kitchen.

"Yes, it's magical" you confirm.

"You know, I never actually asked you properly" he now sounds closer to you.

"Ask me what?" you turn around with a confused look to face him.

"Will you marry me?" he asks, dropping down on his one knee.

Your first instinct tells you to drop everything and gasp, including the wine glass you are holding. Although, you manage to rest it on a table next to you and avoid any damages. Your gasp can't be hidden but you put your hand over your mouth to cover your shock. Tears quickly appear in your eyes, showing off your extreme feelings about the beautiful sight in front of you.

"Yes! God, yes!" you say loudly.

He laughs loudly and removes the ring he was holding from the velvet little box. The ring he wears around your finger is so shiny that you could spot it from a million miles away. You're practically shaking from the anticipation and excitement running all over your body.

"Tony, this is the most beautiful ring I've seen in my life" you say honestly as you look at it.

"I've never been more nervous about a ring. I'm so glad you love it" he gets on his feet and holds you as you jump on him.

You kiss each other with enthusiasm, showing off your happiness and love for one another. Your eyes wander between his expressive big brown eyes and the amazing ring on your finger. You feel happier than ever, having the man of your dreams between your arms and kissing him with all the passion in your body.

"Should we finish the wine or...?" he asks between kisses.

"Or...definitely or" you don't even think twice.

He smirks and takes quick steps towards your bedroom. You haven't even had a nap of the bed yet but you're already using it for much different reasons. He can't stop kissing you, not even when you're lying on top of the bed. Your bodies are rolling around again and again, each of you trying to get on top of the other. During this process you both end up completely naked, driving each other completely crazy.

"Come here" he orders and using his strong arms, he pulls your body in a way that it ends up over his face.

He makes you sit on his face and holds you down by your thighs with his hands. He's very passionate about this, quickly starting to lick and suck your slit. You have your hands on his chest for support, your body leaning more and more downwards because of the chills that travel all over your nerves.

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