Part 1 - As It Was

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It's been 6 months since your break up with Tony. It hasn't been easy at all, especially the first couple of months. You shed so many tears when you took all your things from his house. It was the realisation that you broke up for good. You eventually moved back in your previous house and continued life as it was.

Tony reached out many times trying to win you back. He planned surprises, sudden visits, gifts, anything he could think of. You stumbled across his a few times, on events or business meetings. The feeling of his eyes staring at you was burning you every single time.

But you never talked to him privately. You knew you wouldn't be able to handle it so you avoided it every time. He was and still is very aware of how you feel around him, the trauma he's left you hasn't disappeared. Being so betrayed by the man that you loved left a huge scar in your heart.

"Are you ready?" Ethan asks you as you're getting ready for another event.

"Just a moment" you reply and wear your earrings, completing the outfit.

You go to the living room, where Ethan is waiting for you and stand still as he looks at you. His reaction is to nod his head in amazement, apparently liking your outfit.

"Just wow" he comments.

"Thank you" you approach him and lean into him slowly to kiss his lips.

After your break up with Tony, you got closer with some people at work as you looked for comfort from friends. You made new friends, got closer to your existing friends and in the way you started seeing Ethan. It wasn't something you expected or planned but you're happy it happened.

"Are you ready for tonight?" he asks, moving a strand of hair behind your ear slowly.

"Yes" you nod skeptically.

"He's going to be there" he says carefully, referring to Tony.

"I know. He'll find out one way or another" you shake your head.

"We can cancel if you don't feel like it" he reassures you.

"No, it's time. I'm done hiding" you force a smile.

"Alright" he smiles and gives you a soft kiss.

Tonight is the night you decided to make your relationship known to the public. Your friends know already but you're hiding it at work and from the people. One part of you does it because you don't want Tony to know, but you can't hide it forever. It will make your life easier once everyone knows and you can act freely again.

Ethan drove you to the event and you posed for the pictures together. At first they seemed innocent, like every other time that you went to an event together. But as soon as you felt comfortable, he wrapped his arm around your lower waist and you even shared a couple of kisses in front of the photographers.

The cameras went crazy immediately, getting the story of the day that you two are together. You were nervous during the whole scene, but looking at Ethan and his reassuring eyes made you feel better. And of course you ultimately felt better when you went inside the building and no cameras were looking at you anymore.

"That wasn't that bad" you say.

"No, we did great" he nods with a smile.

You quickly take a look around and realise that everyone is looking at you and probably talking about you as well. You focus on every spot carefully and Ethan notices.

"He's not here yet, it's too early" he whispers in your ear.

"I'm sorry" you apologise, feeling bad for caring so much about Tony seeing you.

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