Part 30 - Stuck With You

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It's been another day like the usual ones ever since you returned from vacation. You're not working so you're spending most of the time at home. Tony, on the other hand, is working a lot and spending the majority of his time at Stark Industries. Although, he makes sure to keep communicating with you as much as he can. Texts, phone calls, even some video calls when he has enough minutes to spare between work and meetings.

During one of those calls he suggested that you join him at his house tonight, something that you've never said no to in the past. What is unusual though, is that he's not picking you up himself. You've lost count of the times that he has went out of his way to pick you up with his own car, and still for tonight he's sending one of his drivers to get you from your house to his. This can't be random, you are just patiently waiting to see the reason behind it.

"Ms. Shelton, always a pleasure" Happy Hogan smiles at you while holding the door of the car open.

"Likewise, Happy" you smile back at him warmly before taking your seat.

The conversation during the drive to Tony's house was pleasant and joyful as always. Happy is one of your favourite people to associate with. He's just like his name prevails, happy. Also, he's definitely one of the few people that can put Tony back in his place when needed, which is gladly not needed much anymore.

"Enjoy your night" is the last thing he tells you when you arrive.

"Thank you, Happy" you brush his arm before walking away.

You don't even have to wait a second outside Tony's front door, he makes sure to open it just before you take your final step. You're greeted by the warmth and comfort that his presence provides you, even with only a quick look at him you can feel everything.

"Hey there" he smiles widely and offers you his hand.

"Hey, handsome" you match his loving vibe.

"Sorry for not picking you up, I have a good explanation" he says.

"Tony" you chuckle, "you don't need an explanation for not picking me up, I could've drove here myself you know. You didn't have to drag Happy into this" with this hand in yours, you walk further inside the house.

"Please" he almost rolls his eyes.

"So, what's that explanation that you were ta-" you start asking but have to stop once you look at the kitchen.

"Wait" you physically stop walking.

"Did you-Did you cook?" you shoot your eyes wide open.

"Yes, I did" he laughs at your reaction.

"Since, um, when do you do that?" you're shocked.

"It's a recent interest of mine. I really wanted to surprise you in a good way and I thought that the only way to do that anymore is by cooking. I bet you didn't expect that to happen" he sounds so happy.

"No, definitely wasn't expecting that" you chuckle as you stand right behind the stove where he's finishing up the dinner.

He brings his body right behind yours and takes the wooden spoon to mix the food one more time. Even the slightest things seem impressive to you, he's really changed.

"What are we eating, chef?" you ask.

"It's just chicken pasta. I tried my best to cook lobster but that was a disaster" he makes a funny grimace.

"You realistically thought that it would be a good idea to cook lobster?" you laugh out loud.

"Why not? Cooking is just following instructions. I'm good at following instructions" he explains himself.

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