Part 40 - Rush

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The last few days have been very busy with the moving in. You both have an enormous amount of stuff, which makes the moving company's job to transfer everything safely very difficult. Thankfully, you're not in a rush. If anything, you love these last days of living in Tony's mansion. Of course he's keeping it since it has his lab and memories that he can't just let go of, but you won't be here a lot from now on.

"Are you ready?" he appears behind you and asks.

"Yes, of course. The question is if you are ready to leave, I know it must be difficult" you turn around to face him and see the softness in his expression.

"I am 100% ready. This has been my home for years and it carries so many memories, but where we're going is completely ours. New memories ahead of us, only good ones" he holds you nicely as he speaks.

"Take your time either way" you smile kindly at him.

You lean into him and rest your head on his chest, his hands automatically wrapping around you. You stay in silence for a while, looking around the house, which looks emptier than ever. It truly is a sentimental moment but you hold back tears and cover them with smiles, knowing that what's ahead of you is beautiful.

Tony leads you to the car, that's already parked outside and waiting for you. He holds your door open until you're inside and then goes to the other side and enters the car himself. He looks at the house from the outside now and his eyes are stuck on it, not able to turn back on the wheel.

You stretch your arm and rest your hand on his thigh, moving it up and down softly for comfort. It quickly gets his attention, making him turn his head towards you and look into your eyes. You lean your body further his way and he does the same, ending up with you sharing a kiss.

"It's okay, baby, we don't have to rush this" you assure him.

"What's there not to rush about? We have a big day ahead of us, let's go!" he gets back to his excited spirit and turns on the car.

You laugh and return to sitting normally on the passenger's seat. The drive over to your new home was filled with smiles and singing along to tunes. This is definitely a big move for the two of you and apparently you're both happy about it.

Travelling up with the elevator once you reach your new apartment building, you start feeling the rush all over your bodies. This is it. You're finally moving in together into this dream-like penthouse.

"I feel like crying" you express your feelings with a chuckle.

"I'm only allowing happy tears" Tony smiles at you.

"Oh, definitely" you nod and bring your hand on your face, wiping a tear that got away.

"Welcome home, Mrs. Stark" he smiles widely as he opens the door to your new home.

You carefully step inside and look around, the place looking like a paradise. It was already beautiful but now with your own stuff decorating and filling the spots it's even better. It already feels like home. The small details, like a few framed pictures of the two of you, make the place feel so safe.

"God, I love this one" you say, picking up a picture of the two of you.

"I love it, too. I mean, look at your smile, what is there not to love" he says sweetly.

You face him and wrap your arms around his neck. He's so incredibly handsome and beautiful, both on the inside and outside. You can't help but blush at the eye contact, his smirk is doing things to you. For the next few hours you found yourselves enjoying the comfort of your new home. Tony experimented around with installing JARVIS and seeing if all it's functions worked.

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